Rangsit Graduate Research Conference : RGRC https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;การสนับสนุนส่งเสริมให้มีการเผยแพร่ผลงานวิจัยระดับบัณฑิตศึกษา เป็นอ.... en-US <ul> <li class="show">บทความทุกเรื่องที่ตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่ได้ผ่านการพิจารณาทางวิชาการโดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิในสาขาวิชา (Peer review) ในรูปแบบไม่มีชื่อผู้เขียน (Double-blind peer review) อย่างน้อย ๓ ท่าน</li> <li class="show">บทความวิจัยที่ตีพิมพ์เป็นข้อค้นพบ ข้อคิดเห็นและความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนเจ้าของผลงาน และผู้เขียนเจ้าของผลงาน ต้องรับผิดชอบต่อผลที่อาจเกิดขึ้นจากบทความและงานวิจัยนั้น</li> <li class="show">ต้นฉบับที่ตีพิมพ์ได้ผ่านการตรวจสอบคำพิมพ์และเครื่องหมายต่างๆ โดยผู้เขียนเจ้าของบทความก่อนการรวมเล่ม</li> </ul> gradcon@rsu.ac.th (กองบรรณาธิการ RGRC#19) gradcon@rsu.ac.th (น.ส.ยลญดา หล้าธรรม/ น.ส.ผาณิต ขุนศรี) Thu, 31 Aug 2023 06:39:41 SE Asia Daylight Time OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 สารจากเจ้าภาพ https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3279 <p>สารจากเจ้าภาพ</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3279 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time กำหนดการ-ตารางนำเสนอผลงาน https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3280 <p>กำหนดการ-ตารางนำเสนอผลงาน</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3280 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time สารบัญ https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3283 <p>สารบัญ</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3283 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time Peer Reviewer List https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3281 <p><strong>รายชื่อผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิพิจารณาบทความวิจัย (Peer Reviewer List) </strong></p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3281 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time คำสั่งแต่งตั้งกรรมการ RGRC18 https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3282 <p>คำสั่งแต่งตั้งกรรมการ RGRC18</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3282 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time GUIDELINE FOR ENHANCING WORK EFFIECIENCY OF EMPLOYEE OF THE GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BANK, LAMPHUN REGION https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3099 <p>The goal of this study is to investigate causes and offer recommendations for improving work efficiency of employee of the Government Savings Bank (GSB) in Lamphun region. Also, study the organizational citizenship behavior and work process regarding to POSDCoRB model that affects efficiency in workplace of the GSB in Lamphun region. The surveys were delivered to 144 employees of GSB Lamphun region. Additionally, 22 executives and employees of the bank were interviewed. Percentages, means, standard deviations, and multiple regression were&nbsp;used to evaluate the data. The findings show that the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in types of altruism, organizational compliance, and self-development increased the work efficiency of employees of GSB in Lamphun region. As for the work progress regarding POSDCoRB model which directing, reporting, and budgeting influenced employees’ work efficiency. Goal failure was caused by regulatory issues, poor communication, over workload, a lack of motivation in the workplace, and a lack of policy encouraging employees to self-develop. Finally, the author offers the following methods for enhancing productivity at work: improving work performance, improving work motivation, improving communication, and improving workload management.</p> นัทธมน แก้วติ๊บ ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3099 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 06:49:09 SE Asia Daylight Time แนวทางการรักษาฐานลูกค้าบัตรเดบิตที่มีประกันของธนาคารออมสินเขตปราจีนบุรี https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3103 <p>The purpose of this study was to study the causes and to present a guideline to study methods for retaining the secured debit card customer base of the Government Savings Bank, Prachin Buri. and to study the loyalty of using the service as a guideline for maintaining the secured debit card customer base of the Government Savings Bank, Prachin Buri. It is integrative research. By quantitative research, questionnaires were distributed to 286 GSB customers in Prachin Buri. Statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation. Multiple regression correlation test statistics and qualitative research. conduct an interview with Customers of Government Savings Bank, Prachinburi, 10 people. The results of the study revealed that the customer groups had opinions about customer relationship management. and quality of service affecting loyalty in secured debit card services of the Government Savings Bank, Prachin Buri. at a high level As for the loyalty level of using the GSB's secured debit card service, Prachin Buri at a high level and reasons for the service of the Government Savings Bank Prachin Buri It was caused by the delay in the service of the branch. Queue Management and the number of employees in the branch.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>&nbsp;Secured Debit Cards, Loyalty, Customer Relationship Management</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Kamonchanok Chitpheom ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3103 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:10:24 SE Asia Daylight Time The solutions guidelines for cancellation of mortgage consideration A case study of The Government Savings Bank, Retail Loan Approval Office 14 https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3120 <p>การศึกษาค้นคว้าอิสระเรื่อง แนวทางการแก้ปัญหาการขอยกเลิกการพิจารณาสินเชื่อที่อยู่อาศัย กรณีศึกษาธนาคารออมสิน สำนักอนุมัติสินเชื่อรายย่อย 14 มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาสาเหตุปัจจัยการขอยกเลิกการพิจารณาสินเชื่อที่อยู่อาศัย เพื่อหาแนวทางการแก้ไขปัญหา เครื่องมือในการรวบรวมข้อมูล แบบสอบถามแก่ลูกค้าสินเชื่อที่อยู่อาศัย ที่ขอยกเลิกการพิจารณาสินเชื่อ จำนวน 300 ชุด และแบบสัมภาษณ์เชิงลึก สัมภาษณ์กลุ่มลูกค้าที่ขอยกเลิกการพิจารณาสินเชื่อที่อยู่อาศัย จำนวน 10 ราย สถิติที่ใช้ ได้แก่ เชิงพรรณนา แจกแจงความถี่ และร้อยละ ผลการศึกษาพบว่า ส่วนใหญ่เป็นเพศหญิง อายุ 31-40 ปี อาชีพพนักงานบริษัท มีรายได้ 30,001 – 40,000 บาท ต้องการขอสินเชื่อ เป็นบ้านเดี่ยว และสัดส่วนสินเชื่อ 100% ผลการทดสอบสมมติฐาน พบว่า ปัจจัยส่วนประสมทางการตลาดบริการที่ส่งผลต่อการตัดสินใจแตกต่างกันอย่างมีนัยสำคัญทางสถิติที่ระดับ 0.05 ได้แก่ ด้านราคา ด้านการจัดจำหน่ายงานบริการ ด้านการส่งเสริมการตลาด ด้านบุคคลหรือพนักงาน ด้านสภาพแวดล้อมบริการ และด้านกระบวนการบริการ สาเหตุที่ลูกค้าขอยกเลิกเนื่องจากวงเงินสินเชื่อที่อนุมัติไม่เพียงพอ การดำเนินงานล่าช้า และขั้นตอนการยื่นขอสินเชื่อมีความยุ่งยาก แนวทางแก้ปัญหา 1.ปรับเกณฑ์การให้วงเงินเพิ่มวงเงินอนุมัติ 2.กระบวนการประสานงานระหว่างสำนักอนุมัติฯกับสาขา กระบวนการพิจารณาอนุมัติต่อเนื่องรวดเร็ว 3.จัดทำแพลตฟอร์มออนไลน์ เพื่อยื่นเอกสารขออนุมัติสินเชื่อที่อยู่อาศัย ธนาคารจัดทำข้อมูลที่ครบถ้วน สะดวกต่อการยื่นเอกสาร ลดความยุ่งยากในการยื่นเอกสาร รวมถึงปรับปรุงหลักเกณฑ์วิธีปฏิบัติและเงื่อนไขการกู้ให้เหมาะสม และสามารถแข่งขันกับสถาบันการเงินอื่นได้</p> PIYANUT YAMKLAD ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3120 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:26:40 SE Asia Daylight Time The solutions Guidelines for increasing the efficiency of measures to maintain base The housing loan customer A case study of The Government Savings Bank, In Bangkok Sector 1 https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3192 <p>This study aims to To analyze customer relationship management and service quality that affects the intention to use measures to maintain the housing loan customer base. Government Savings Bank case study In Bangkok, Region 1, the samples used in the study were GSB housing loan customers and housing loan customers who applied for refinancing to other financial institutions. using a specific sampling method by choosing a branch in Bangkok, Region 1 300 unit</p> <p>The study found that Customer relationship management factors That affects the intention to use the service measures to maintain the housing loan customer base, including building relationships Listening to opinions and customer service channels As for the quality of service factors, namely reliability. Trust and response Statistically significant at the level 0.05</p> Pornthips Saphankaew ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3192 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:29:54 SE Asia Daylight Time Factors of Brand Perception in Xiaomi Brand Smartphones of consumers that affect purchasing decisions in Chonburi Province https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3114 <p>This research aims to study personal factors, factors of brand perception from marketing communications and factors of consumer perception of Xiaomi brand smartphones affecting purchase decisions in Chonburi Province. The sample group is a group of consumers in Chonburi Province who use a smartphone using a questionnaire 400 people. The tool is questionnaire. The statistics analyzed by percentage, frequency, standard deviation, T-test, One- way ANOVA and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study found that the consumers in Chonburi province with smartphone use with gender factor different factors affecting purchasing decisions in Chonburi Province are significantly different at the statistical level of 0.05. The integrated marketing communication factor in&nbsp;term of advertising marketing communications, sales promotion, public relations, the management of sales staff had an effect on purchasing decision in Chonburi Province with statistical significance at 0.05 level. The brand awareness factors in term of brand loyalty in connection with the brand, the perceived quality of the brand affects purchasing decision in Chonburi province with statistical significance at 0.05 level.</p> สุภาวดี สารภักดิ์ ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3114 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time DEVELOPMENT OF PROGRAM FOR ENHANCING ON MATHEMATICS LEARNING BEHAVIOR USING GOAL SETTING AND SELF-REGULATED LEARNINGS THEORY OF NINTH GRADE STUDENTS https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3094 <p>The purposes of this study were to develop of program for enhancing on Mathematics learning behavior using goal setting and self-regulated learnings theory of ninth grade students and to develop tools for assess on Mathematics learning behavior using goal setting and self-regulated learnings theory of ninth grade students.&nbsp; The sample group consisted of 35 students who were studying in ninth grade students using purposive sampling.&nbsp; The research findings were as follows: 1) The program enhancing on Mathematics learning behavior using goal setting and self-regulated learnings theory of ninth grade students has the following principles: 1.1) self- determination sets the goals causes acceptance and binding to goals, 1.2) believing in trying and believing that it can be done causing change in actions, 1.3) self-regulated learning and 1.4) self - assessment makes people use their efforts with appropriate strategies. There are 5 steps of Learning activities as follows: setting learning goals, thinking and believing in one's own ability and effort, plan for action, follow the plan with determination, and assess and reflect. 2) Mathematics learning behaviors that are consistent with the bachelor's ninth grade students consisting of preparation and study planning, fulfillment, knowledge seeking and academic using, interaction and participation with others and checking assess and improve Mathematics learning, for assessing Mathematics learning behavior of ninth grade students are the characteristics questionnaire and the interview forms, &nbsp;the Mathematics learning behavior observation forms and the Mathematics learning behavior tests.</p> สุธารัตน์ สมรรถการ ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3094 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:37:19 SE Asia Daylight Time The Effects of the Chinese Students’ Acculturation Strategies on Students’ Life and Learning Achievement: A Case Study of a Thai Private University https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3149 <p>Acculturation is the change in the original culture&nbsp;of one or both parties when people of different cultural groups are in continuous direct contact. Acculturation strategies divide acculturation into four types of strategies: assimilation, separation, integration, and marginalization.This study&nbsp;uses a mixed-methods approach&nbsp;to investigate the acculturation strategies and the effects of the chosen strategies&nbsp;on student life and learning achievement of Chinese students at&nbsp;a private university in Thailand. The sample consist of 159 Chinese students, sampled from the target population of 263 Chinese students&nbsp;enrolled between&nbsp;2019&nbsp;and 2020&nbsp;Academic Year. The instruments were 35-item questionnaire and&nbsp;in-depth semi-structured interview.&nbsp;The results of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis showed that most of the Chinese students in the sample used integration strategy, which had positive effects&nbsp;on student life and learning&nbsp;achievement. This study suggests that universities provide more help during the acculturation&nbsp;stage of international students, and that international students can prepare&nbsp;themselves in advance to better adapt to the new environment.</p> <div class="section ">&nbsp;</div> JIEYA ZHAO ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3149 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:41:20 SE Asia Daylight Time RESILIENCE OF EFFECITVE HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS AT AN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL IN CHINA: THE TEACHERS’ VOICES https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3150 <p style="font-weight: 400;">Teachers’ resilience is the ability of teachers to overcome difficulties and recover quickly in the face of problems and difficulties, and even to seek development from difficult situations. The study aimed to examine the aspects of resilience of effective high school English language teachers and explore how they cope with the difficulties and challenges in their jobs. Therefore, two instruments were used in this study: the questionnaire ‘teaching qualities of good English teachers’ and semi-structured interview. The sample size for the questionnaire was 30 teachers of English and 8 effective English high school language teachers were selected. The questionnaire data reviewed that effective English language teachers need to be proud of being a teacher, face difficulties by using creative solutions. Based on the interview, it was found that communication with family members and friends was necessity and a positive attitude in work should be maintained. And enhancement to teaching ability through life-long learning must be continuous.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Therefore, teachers in the study in brief, highlighted pride of being a teacher, creative problem-solving solutions, positive attitude in work and continuous development of their teaching activity through life-long learning as significance to develop teachers’ resilience.</p> JIE LIU ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3150 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:43:05 SE Asia Daylight Time COLLEGE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS’ TEACHING QUALITIES: A CASE STUDY IN CHINA https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3151 <p style="font-weight: 400;">Teachers’ teaching qualities include four aspects: personality quality, classroom management, content, pedagogical and technical skill and knowledge and teaching professionalism. This study aimed to investigate the students’ perceptions of English language teachers’ teaching qualities and identify the students’ preferences of English language teachers’ teaching qualities. This study employed a quantitative method. The quantitative research is based on a questionnaire completed by 52 second-year English major college student from Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine. The questionnaire was modified from Evrim Ustunluoglu’s (2011) research. The 43-item questionnaires filled out by 52 respondents. The questionnaire was sent to the respondents online.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The findings of the study reviewed that students’ perceptions of highest mean value is personality quality. And students also think that a good English language teacher need to have the teaching abilities of classroom management, content, pedagogical and technical skills and knowledge and teaching professionalism.</p> DUAN FENG ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3151 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:45:02 SE Asia Daylight Time The Use of Project-based Learning to Enhance Chinese Grade 10 Students’ English-speaking Abilities https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3197 <p>Chinese students have consistently demonstrated lower proficiency in oral English. Consequently, there is a need to focus on studying and improving their oral English skills. This research aims to investigate the efficacy of project-based learning (PBL) in enhancing the English-speaking abilities of Grade 10&nbsp;Chinese students. Additionally, it seeks to determine the satisfaction levels of Grade 10&nbsp;Chinese students with the implementation of the PBL method in oral English teaching. The study employed quantitative and quasi-experimental research methods, with a sample consisting of 32 students from Class 7, Grade 10, at Shanghai No. 1 High School in China. Research instruments included&nbsp;lesson plans,&nbsp;pretest, post-test, and a questionnaire. The data collected from these sources were analyzed using SPSS to conduct descriptive statistics and <em>t</em>-test analysis. The results revealed that students' average score in the post-test was 1.5 points higher than that in the pretest, with a significance value (P-value) of less than 0.0001. The research findings indicate that the project-based learning method effectively improves the English-speaking abilities of Chinese Grade 10 students. The questionnaire results further substantiate this conclusion,&nbsp;Furthermore, the average score for each questionnaire item exceeded 4, with a significance value (P-value) of less than 0.0001, demonstrating the satisfaction of Chinese Grade 10 students with the project-based learning method. To enhance the English-speaking abilities of Chinese students, it is recommended to promote the adoption of the PBL method across various regions of China, not limiting its application solely to English language teaching but also extending it to other subject areas.</p> WENWEN LI ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3197 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:46:12 SE Asia Daylight Time AN ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACT IN THE MOVIE “EDGE OF TOMORROW” https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3127 <p>This research examines the illocutionary speech acts of the main character in "Edge of Tomorrow." The purpose of this research is to identify types of speech acts in the movie. The analytical framework in this present study follows Searle (1975). The data collection includes fifteen dialogues from William Cage<em>,</em> the main character. A total of 15 dialogues as uttered by William Cage were randomly by a purposive sampling method. The results of this current study shows that directive acts occur the most at 40 percent. Representative acts and commissive acts occur equally at 26.6 percent. However, expressive acts only occur at 26.6 percent. The results of the study clearly reflect the main character in this study a commanding person. It is hoped that the results of this study will be useful for learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in order to gain deeper understanding of the main character’s intention whilst watching a movie.</p> Suriyapong Chaisiripun ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3127 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:47:44 SE Asia Daylight Time THE NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES USED IN HONG KONG ROMANTIC COMEDY MOVIES STARRED BY STEPHEN CHOW https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3126 <p>This research aimed to investigate the narrative techniques used in Hong Kong romantic comedy movies starred by Stephen Chow as the leading character. The research employed qualitative methodology, conducting textual analysis. The research focused on three Hong Kong movies, namely: 1) Love Is Love (1990), 2) Flirting Scholar (1993), and 3) King of Comedy (1999). Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis based on theories of narration, romantic movies, and comedy movies.</p> <p>The results revealed that the movies had plots about love. The main characters were young men and women who used love to overcome obstacles. Their themes embraced determination in life and caring for each other to maintain their love and relationship as a key success factor. The research found three conflicts including conflicts between characters and their society, conflicts between characters, and self-conflict. Conflicts between characters, and self-conflict were mostly found in these three movies. The movies mainly embraced contemporary settings. Love Is Love (1990) and King of Comedy (1999) used Hong Kong as their main setting. Differently, Flirting Scholar (1993) was a period movie, presenting a setting in China during the Ming Dynasty; this might be due to the fact that the movie was based on a true story about historical people. &nbsp;All movies were found to have happy ending. All conflicts were resolved. This was a traditional ending generally found in romantic comedy movies since the audiences always expect to see a happy rather than tragic ending scene. In conclusion, most movies starred by Stephen Chow with happy ending scenes were produced for mass audience.</p> <p>Keywords: Movies, Romantic, Comedy</p> zhimei wei ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3126 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:52:24 SE Asia Daylight Time Narrative Techniques and Humor production in Thai Comedy Films https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3129 <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;This research aimed to investigate: 1) the narrative techniques and 2) humor production in Thai comedy movies. The research used two frameworks of analysis including narrative techniques in films, humor production, and comedy films. The research employed qualitative methodology, using textual analysis. Ten Thai comedy movies with the highest income from 2012 – 2022 were selected for data analysis.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results revealed that the movies had five stages of plot: exposition, rising, climax, falling action, and resolution. The movie contents were simply created based on what really happened in Thai society to allow the audience to understand easily. Most movies embraced conflicts between characters and self-conflict. A variety of themes were found, mostly presenting morality and philosophical questions, human nature, and truths of life, and social criticism. Most of the movies had a lot of characters with different personalities. The settings mostly reflected the characters’ ways of life. In addition, the use of omniscient point of view was mostly found.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Most of the movies used farce produced by characters with exaggerated acts. The most prominent type was physical mishap, followed by plot mechanism, satire, verbal jokes, sexual inuendos, and the unsystematic presentation of characters, respectively. Nevertheless, most of them were found to reflect some Thai social issues, such as gender, social values, ways of life, religion, political conflicts, society, economy, culture, the life of rural people living in urban areas, and localism.</p> ธิติวุฒิ บุญแก้ว ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3129 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:53:31 SE Asia Daylight Time COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES FOR COPORATE IMAGE OF PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL CLUBS IN THAILAND https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3136 <p>การวิจัยเรื่อง “กลยุทธ์การสื่อสารภาพลักษณ์ของสโมสรฟุตบอลอาชีพในประเทศไทย” มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อมีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษากลยุทธ์การสื่อสารภาพลักษณ์ของสโมสรฟุตบอลอาชีพในประเทศไทย เป็นการวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพ (Qualitative Research) ประกอบด้วยแนวทางการศึกษา 2 แนวทาง ได้แก่ 1) การวิเคราะห์จากเอกสาร (Documentary Research) 2) การสัมภาษณ์เชิงลึก (In-Depth Interview) กับผู้ที่มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องในการสื่อสารองค์กรของสโมสรฟุตบอลอาชีพไทยในระดับ ไทยลีก 1 จำนวน 2 สโมสร ผลการศึกษาพบว่า<br>สโมสรฟุตบอลอาชีพไทย มีการใช้กลยุทธ์การสื่อสารภาพลักษณ์องค์กร ดังต่อไปนี้ 1) การสื่อสารภาพลักษณ์โดยการสร้างการรับรู้ตัวตนผ่านสัญลักษณ์ 2) การสื่อสารภาพลักษณ์ผ่านตัวบุคคล 3) การสื่อสารภาพลักษณ์โดยการจัดกิจกรรมเพื่อสังคม 4) การสื่อสารภาพลักษณ์โดยการจัดกิจกรรมพิเศษ 5) การสื่อสารภาพลักษณ์โดยการสร้างชุมชนสัมพันธ์ (Community Relations) 6) การสื่อสารภาพลักษณ์โดยการใช้สโลแกนในการโน้มน้าวใจ</p> chanyaphat saiviriya ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3136 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:55:01 SE Asia Daylight Time investigate the storytelling methods employed in the series “Moonlight Chicken https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3141 <p>งานวิจัยเรื่อง “ วิเคราะห์การเล่าเรื่องและภาษาภาพยนตร์ในซีรีส์ พระจันทร์มันไก่ Moonlight Chicken” เป็นงานวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพ ใช้ระเบียบวิธีวิจัยการวิเคราะห์ตัวบท (Textual Analysis) &nbsp;โดยสิ่งที่นำมาศึกษาได้แก่ ซีรีส์เรื่องพระจันทร์มันไก่ Moonlight Chicken จำนวน 8 ตอน ซึ่งออกอากาศทาง Disney+ hotstar ในปี 2023&nbsp; สำหรับวัตถุประสงค์ของการวิจัยได้แก่&nbsp; 1 วิเคราะห์ลักษณะการเล่าเรื่องในซีรีส์พระจันทร์มันไก่ Moonlight Chicken &nbsp;2) วิเคราะห์ภาษาภาพยนตร์ในซีรีส์ พระจันทร์มันไก่ Moonlight Chicken&nbsp; โดยแนวคิดที่นำมาใช้เป็นกรอบในการศึกษาวิจัยได้แก่ แนวคิดการเล่าเรื่อง และ แนวคิดภาษาภาพยนตร์</p> <p>ผลของการศึกษาวิจัยพบว่าถึง ซีรีส์ที่นำมาศึกษามีรูปแบบการเล่าเรื่องดังนี้&nbsp; 1) โครงเรื่อง 1.1 การเปิดเรื่อง ซีรีส์ส่วนมากมักเปิดตัวบริบทของสังคมที่เกิดขึ้นและนำพามาสู่ความขัดแย้ง 1.2 การพัฒนาเรื่อง มักนำเสมอให้เห็นถึงการกระทำของตัวละครที่พยายามค้นหาในสิ่งที่ตนต้องการ 1.3 ภาวะวิกฤติ ตัวละครหลักมักพบเจอความผิดหวังจากการพยายามของตน 1.4 ภาวะคลี่คลาย&nbsp; ตัวละครหลักมักได้รับบทเรียนจากพฤติกรรมของตนเอง 1.5 ตอนจบ มักแสดงออกถึงความเข้าใจในสิ่งที่ตัวละครพบเจอและจบแบบสุขนิยม 2) แก่นแนวคิด มักนำเสนอความคิดเกี่ยวกับชีวิตของมนุษย์ และความคิดเชิงปรัชญา 3) ตัวละคร มักเป็นตัวละครที่มีปมปัญหาในใจที่ยังไม่ได้แก้ไข 4) ความขัดแย้ง มักเป็นความขัดแย้งที่เกิดขึ้นภายในตัวละครเป็นหลัก 5) ฉาก มักให้ความสำคัญกับฉากความเป็นอยู่ของตัวละคร 6) มุมมองการเล่าเรื่อง มักนำเสนอผ่านสายตาบุคคลที่หนึ่ง 7) สัญลักษณ์ มักมีการนำเสนอสัญลักษณ์ที่บ่งบอกลักษณะบุคลิกของตัวละคร&nbsp;</p> <p>2) การใช้ภาษาภาพยนตร์ในซีรีส์เรื่อง พระจันทร์มันไก่ Moonlight Chicken มีลักษณะดังนี้ 1.1) ระยะของภาพ พบระยะของภาพหลัก ๆ อยู่สามขนาดคือภาพระยะไกล (Long Shot) ภาพระยะปานกลาง (Medium Shot) และภาพระยะใกล้ (Close-Up) 1.2) การเคลื่อนกล้อง ส่วนใหญ่เป็นการเคลื่อนกล้องในแนวราบ (Pan) หรือเคลื่อนกล้องในแนวดิ่ง (Tilt) เป็นหลัก หากมีฉากการปะทะอารมณ์ของตัวละครมักมีการใช้กล้องถือถ่ายด้วยมือ (Hand-Held )&nbsp; 1.3) มุมกล้อง ใช้ภาพระดับสายตา (Eve-Level Shot) และภาพมุมสูง (High Angle) เป็นหลัก 1.4) การจัดแสง มักจัดแสงในโทนสว่าง 1.5) การลำดับภาพ มักมีการใช้เทคนิคการลำดับภาพตามเวลาจริงในเรื่อง (Universal Time) 1.6) ฉากและสถานที่ ส่วนใหญ่เป็นฉากภายใน 1.7) สัญญะ พบว่ามักจะสอดคล้องกับประเด็นเรื่องเพศสภาพทางสังคม และ 1.8) เสียง เน้นการใช้เสียงดนตรีสมัยใหม่ประกอบบทสนทนาที่เป็นธรรมชาติ</p> <p><br><br>The purposes of this study were to 1) investigate the storytelling methods employed in the series “Moonlight Chicken,” and 2) analyze the film language used in the same series. A qualitative research approach was adopted for this study. The analysis was based on data collected from eight episodes of "Moonlight Chicken," which were aired on Disney+ Hotstar in 2023. Textual analysis was employed as the methodology to analyze the data, with storytelling and film language serving as the research frameworks.</p> <p>The results of the study revealed that the storytelling format employed in the series "Moonlight Chicken" encompassed several key elements. Firstly, in terms of plot, the opening of the series provided a detailed depiction of the social context that led to the conflicts within the story. As for the rising action, the narrative followed the characters' endeavors to achieve their desires. Moving on to the climax, despite their dedicated efforts, the main characters ultimately confronted failure and disappointment. The falling action depicted the characters' growth and learning from their experiences. The resolution of the story emphasized the characters' comprehension of the world and concluded in a hedonistic manner. Additionally, the story delved into the concept of human existence and explored philosophical ideas. The characters grappled with unresolved internal conflicts and personal struggles. The predominant conflicts within the narrative revolved around internal battles. The setting played a crucial role, primarily emphasizing the living conditions that shaped the characters' experiences. Moreover, the story adopted a first-person narrative perspective, offering an intimate glimpse into the characters' thoughts and emotions. Symbolism was effectively utilized to represent the unique personalities of the characters. In terms of film language, the series "Moonlight Chicken" made skillful use of various cinematic techniques. Firstly, the series employed three fundamental film shots: the long shot, medium shot, and close-up shot. Camera movements primarily consisted of panning or tilting, while emotional interactions between characters often featured the effective use of handheld camera shots. Additionally, the camera angles predominantly included eye-level shots and high angle shots. Lighting choices leaned towards a bright tone, contributing to the overall visual atmosphere. The shot sequencing followed the universal time technique, ensuring a coherent flow. The majority of settings depicted in the series were internal. Signs within the series were largely associated with gender and sexuality. Lastly, the incorporation of modern music seamlessly integrated with the film, enriching the viewing experience.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Storytelling, Series, Film Language</p> สรรเพชญ วงศ์ประเสริฐผล ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3141 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:56:23 SE Asia Daylight Time Online Communication Guidelines for Children Products via The Facebook: Little Monster https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3145 <p>มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาแนวทางการสื่อสารออนไลน์เกี่ยวกับสินค้าเด็กผ่านเฟซบุ๊ก Little Monster เป็นการวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพ โดยการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลจากเอกสาร (Documentary Analysis) ที่ปรากฏเนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับสินค้าเด็กบนเฟซบุ๊ก Little Monster ระหว่างวันที่ 1 กรกฎาคม – 30 กันยายน 2564 ในรูปแบบของเนื้อหาการโพสต์ข้อความ (Text) ภาพ (Photo) กราฟิก (Graphic) หรือวีดีโอ (Video) ซึ่งมีจำนวน 188 ชิ้นงาน</p> Pawanrat Taracheep ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3145 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:57:41 SE Asia Daylight Time การอพยพย้ายถิ่น ของแรงงานจากภาคอีสาน สู่พื้นที่อุตสาหกรรมภาคตะวันออก https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3116 <p>The objective of the study was to examine the natural causes and effects of Northeast-to-Eastern industrial labor migration. The research was divided into two sections. Part 1 is the actual cause of Northeast-to-Eastern Industrial Area labor migration.</p> <p>This qualitative study was based on descriptive data analysis and interviews with Northeastern migrants to Eastern industrial areas. The findings revealed that factors that affect migration are relatives or acquaintances who persuade the establishment quite a lot, migration values, the prosperity of the eastern industrial area, better medical care, and higher wages. Part 2 is the impact of the migration of workers from the northeastern region to the Eastern Industrial Area.&nbsp; According to the study, the problem in the eastern industrial area is the environment, which includes noise pollution, smog, air traffic congestion, frequent accidents, and impoverished conditions. The majority of the migrant employees in the eastern industrial area are laborers. Compared to other regions in Thailand, wages in this region are relatively high because the labor force is skilled, experienced, and possesses a variety of skills.</p> <p>Based on the study results, it is recommended that the government implement various local development policies. These include managing irrigation, promoting education, establishing community-based learning resources, building senior homes, improving transportation and public utilities, and enhancing production efficiency. Developing local labor skills, creating tourist attractions, and adjusting the minimum wage rate to reduce social inequality are potential solutions. By implementing these policy measures, employees can be prevented from migrating from the Northeast to the Eastern industrial region.</p> Pitayapol Chaichiangpin ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3116 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:59:00 SE Asia Daylight Time การวิเคราะห์ความสัมพันธ์ความสนใจสืบค้นข้อมูลการเลือกตั้งทางสื่อออนไลน์ กับผลคะแนนการเลือกตั้งสมาชิกสภาผู้แทนราษฎร์ ปี 2566 https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3130 <p>The objective of this research was to study and analyze the relationship between online media information seeking and the election results of members of parliament on May 14, 2013. This election was a significant political event in Thailand, as the liberal Democratic Party, which had only been elected twice before, achieved a long-lasting victory over the major political party despite receiving a significant number of votes. One contributing factor was the increased participation of first-time voters and the greater utilization of online social media as a tool for political communication compared to previous elections. Using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), this study found that the use of online social media, particularly through information seeking on the Google search engine in the 90-day period prior to the election, had a significant impact on the election results in the party list system. However, it did not have a significant impact on the election results in the constituency system. Furthermore, the study determined that the population's Internet access rate did not significantly correlate with the election results of the members of parliament in both the constituency and party list systems.</p> kosol songneam ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3130 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 08:01:19 SE Asia Daylight Time MOTIVES OF CHILDREN AND YOUTHS ADDICTED TO ONLINE GAMES FOR COMMITTING CRIMES: A CASE STUDY OF BANGKOK PROBATION OFFICE 11 https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3104 <p>This research aimed to investigate the causes of offenses committed by children and youths due to their online game addiction and propose solutions to this problem. A qualitative research methodology involved a focus group of 10 people and in-depth interviews with relevant individuals, focusing on juveniles released by juvenile courts with probationary conditions. The results indicated that 1) children and youths who are addicted to online games may be motivated to engage in delinquent behavior due to their immature mental state and ongoing skill and behavior development; 2) Society within the game, including long-term interactions with peers and frequently learning each other's in-game behaviors. Prevention and corrective measures include the following: 1) Families should restrict access to apparatus or regulate the type and nature of activities, as well as establish standard norms; 2) Agencies, organizations, policies, and guidelines for addressing online game addiction among children and youths by regulating online game service providers and educating parents and guardians about the benefits and risks of online games, as well as the community at large to collaborate between the justice system and relevant agencies to combat and prevent video game addiction among children. The operational recommendations are as follows: 1. The Department of Probation should implement screening inquiries or assessments for identifying children and youths with online game addiction. Parents or guardians should monitor the behavior, the type of gameplay and the time spent playing. The policy recommendations are as follows: The government needs to create laws and regulations to govern online gaming. Along with this, guidelines should be implemented to regulate the spread of news related to gaming-related crimes. Additionally, the government should educate people about the benefits and drawbacks of online activities to increase awareness.</p> อัครพล กระแสร์เปี่ยม ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3104 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 08:02:36 SE Asia Daylight Time FACTORS THAT LEAD TO PASSPORT FORGERY CRIMES IN THAILAND https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3109 <p>This research aims to analyze factors that lead to passport forgery crimes in Thailand. Data were collected from various sources, including public media, official documents, related research, and in-depth interviews with key informants such as experienced law enforcement officers, former counterfeiters, and document forgers. A total of 10 participants were interviewed.</p> <p>The study revealed several common factors, including economic factors, that motivate people to enter the document forgeries industry, such as the desire for wealth and a better life due to past obstacles in their country of origin. The psychological factor also influences and encourages individuals to imitate or be inspired by criminal behavior, which they may learn through self-study from the internet or previous experience. When facing trouble or financial problems, individuals may use their expertise and skills to commit crimes without restraint. Social factors also lead individuals to associate with offenders who persuade them to learn organized crime processes, procedures, and patterns based on trust from their ethnic backgrounds. To prevent and resolve transnational crimes involving the use of fake travel documents in Thailand, strict prosecution and penalties are needed to prevent individuals from entering the country to commit these crimes. The government should be authoritarian and keep pace with rapid technological changes by proactively working and integrating across organizations. Besides, government agencies should develop relationships with the public sector to jointly inspect gathering sites and foreign crime groups and report any suspicious activities to prevent their area of influence. Moreover, specialized training should be conducted to enhance the knowledge of officers involved in technical inspection and verification.</p> Pimlapas S. ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3109 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 08:03:40 SE Asia Daylight Time Risk and Impact Assessments of Explosion from Natural Gas Leaks in A Power Plant Located in an Industrial Park https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3131 <p>This study focuses on assessing the risks associated with natural gas leakage in a combined cycle power plant in Thailand, where natural gas serves as the primary fuel. Given the high flammability of natural gas, the potential for fire and explosion necessitates a comprehensive evaluation to enhance preventive and emergency preparedness measures. The research employs the ALOHA process hazard analysis software to generate models, primarily utilizing the HAZOP method, in order to identify the most critical scenarios for risk assessment. The investigation uncovers two critical events that can lead to natural gas leakage within the power plant: leakage in the natural gas pipeline system (specifically, the discharge line) and leakage at the Gas Compressor Receiver Tank. Corrosion is identified as the primary risk factor contributing to leakage. Furthermore, the study reveals that a 4-inch hole in the natural gas pipeline has a significantly greater impact than a 0.25-inch leak in the Gas Compressor Receiver Tank. In terms of the consequences, the study finds that a flash fire resulting in a natural gas concentration of 30,000 ppm has a potential impact radius of 558 meters. For jet fires, where the thermal radiation reaches 10 kW/m<sup>2</sup>, the affected distance is approximately 33 meters. Moreover, in the event of an explosion with an overpressure of 8 Psi, the affected distance extends to approximately 427 meters. To mitigate the harmful effects of these scenarios, specific preventive measures are proposed. These measures include implementing preventive maintenance practices for high-risk components such as pipeline flange joints and fittings, defining safety regulations for restricted areas, incorporating emergency response instructions into the existing emergency plan, and establishing new assembly points based on the modeling results. By conducting this comprehensive risk assessment and proposing targeted preventive measures, this study aims to enhance the safety and emergency preparedness protocols in combined cycle power plants, thereby mitigating the potential risks associated with natural gas leakage.</p> mayurachat daychoram ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3131 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 08:08:11 SE Asia Daylight Time Analyzing the profit potential of Pair Trading strategies in the foreign exchange market through Cointegration Test https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3162 <p>This study aims to analyze the profit potential of Pair Trading strategies in the foreign exchange market through cointegration test. The trading signals are based on Z-scores in both positive and negative zones, considering currency pairs with and without cointegration test. The performance of each trading strategy are compared. Additionally, the original strategies are improved to reduce Maximum Drawdown by implementing enhanced money management techniques (MM). The data used for this study consists of daily closing price time series of each currency pair, including EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD. The data was collected from the MT5 broker Pepperstone, covering the period from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2022, totaling 5 years.</p> <p>The results of the study indicate that the strategy that trades only on currency pairs with cointegration testing yields the highest returns. Specifically, the strategies that performed the best in terms of returns were the Cointegration Testing strategy and the Cointegration Testing strategy with MM techniques implemented. However, when comparing the Maximum Drawdown, it is found that the Cointegration Testing strategy with MM had significantly lower values than to compare with other strategies. This indicates that the maximum drawdown can be reduced by considering MM included.</p> Kattaleeya Jitrat ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3162 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 08:11:05 SE Asia Daylight Time Optimal Portfolio Allocation and Risk Management for Investment in Securities in the Stock Exchange of Thailand as well as to Predict the Rate of Return by using Dollar-Cost Averaging Strategy https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3163 <p>This study proposes the optimal portfolio allocation and the risk management for Investment in Securities in the Stock Exchange of Thailand as well as to Predict the Rate of Return by using Dollar-Cost Averaging Strategy. This paper selecting stocks in the Stock Exchange of Thailand under the consideration criteria 1) Revenue Growth Rate, 2) Net Profit Growth Rate, 3) Return on Equity (ROE), 4) Book Value per Share (P/BV) and 5) Price / Earnings Per Share (P/E) are able to select 5 securities there are 1) Amanah Leasing PCL.- AMANAH,&nbsp; 2) Asia Sermkij Leasing PCL.- ASK,&nbsp; 3) Business Online PCL – BOL, 4) Com7 PCL. - COM7 and 5) Rajthanee Hospital PCL. – RJH which are time series from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2022 total in 5 years. This paper applies the dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH model to measure the dynamic correlation including the volatility of the time series.</p> <p>The results of the study correlation between return of securities and time series show that the correlation varied over time and all securities have a positive correlation or going in the same direction.&nbsp;</p> <p>Optimal portfolio allocation with constrain maximize return also have high risk when compared to Equal weighted portfolio and Minimum portfolio. The result of Optimal portfolio consists of AMANAH 3%, ASK 5%, BOL 80%, COM7 10% and RJH 2% which has invested in the online business group as much as 80%, because during the selected period of study, it was during the COVID-19 situation and BOL was a business in providing online business information services which is suitable for COVID-19 situation.</p> <p>The results of the study Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) which period 6 month from 1 July 2022 to 1 December 2022 comparing the average cost price to the closing price on December 31, 2022, show that return of the optimal portfolio was 4%, which is positive.&nbsp;</p> Jutamat Sap-pha-arsa ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3163 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time Comparison of option pricing models of SET50 index between Path Integral and Black-Scholes https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3164 <p>This study aimed to assess the option contract prices on the SET50 index using the Path Integral method and compare them with market prices and the Black-Scholes model. Daily data from a sample group of options traded on the Thailand Futures Exchange with the same strike price and expiration date in March 2566 were used. The sample group consisted of two sets of options: call options and put options.<br>The study found that the average squared error of the Path Integral method was higher than that of the Black-Scholes model. Additionally, when examining the graphs, the Path Integral method exhibited more price volatility compared to market prices and the Black-Scholes model. This observation contradicts the initial assumptions.</p> ชยณัฐ หอกันยา ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3164 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 08:14:38 SE Asia Daylight Time The relationship between stock price indices and the foreign exchange market of Thailand and ASEAN countries https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3165 <p>The objective of this study is to examine the relationship of Thailand and ASEAN countries, specifically focusing on two markets: the stock market and the foreign exchange market. The ASEAN countries included in the study are Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam. The study uses daily data from January 2002 to December 2022, covering a period of 20 years. The study utilizes the DCC-GARCH model for analysis, with the EVIEWS software as the analytical tool.</p> <p>The study reveals two relationships in the stock market: 1) Thailand has the most significant impact on the Philippines, and 2) Malaysia has the most significant impact on Thailand. There are also two relationships in the foreign exchange market: 1) Thailand has the most significant impact on the Philippines, and 2) Singapore has the most significant impact on Thailand. Additionally, the study shows a positive relationship between the volatility of the studied countries by considering Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC). Specifically, in the stock market, Thailand has the highest correlation with Indonesia's volatility, while in the foreign exchange market, Thailand has the highest correlation with Singapore's volatility. As mentioned earlier, it can be observed that there is a significant interconnection between Thailand and ASEAN countries. So, the results of their relationships will be beneficial to analyze the trend of investment between Thailand and ASEAN countries for a free market in the future.</p> ฐณรัช เยาวละออง ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3165 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:38:24 SE Asia Daylight Time FORECASTING STOCK PRICES IN PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT GROUP IN THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF THAILAND BASED ON STATISTICAL MODELS https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3167 <p>The objective of the study regarding to Forecast Stock Price index of Property and Construction Sector on the Stock Exchange of Thailand with more than 10 new project plans launched in 2023 for a period of 16 years from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2022 of 10 securities namely AP, SIRI, SPALI, LH, FPT, LALIN, NOBLE, PF, LPN and SC The time-series techniques consisted of the Box-Jenkins method, and the exponential smoothing through seasonal additive and multiplicative models to forecast stock prices.</p> <p>The results of the study forecasting stock prices using secondary data in terms of monthly time series showed that 1) the ARIMA method was the most appropriate to forecast for 5 variables consist of LH, FPT, LALIN, PF and LPN as it gave the lowest value of root mean square error equal (0.311), (0.331), (0.380), (0.005) and (0.179) respectively, 2) SARIMA method was the most appropriate to forecast for 5 variables consist of SIRI, LH, FPT, PF and LPN as it gave the lowest value of root mean square error equal (0.092), (0.311), (0.331), (0.005) and (0.179) respectively, 3) the Seasonal Additive Exponential Smoothing Technique was the most appropriate to forecast for 2 variables consist of AP and SPALI as it gave the lowest value of root mean square error equal (0.582) and (1.256) respectively, and 4) the Seasonal Multiplicative Exponential Smoothing Technique was the most appropriate to forecast for 2 variables consist of NOBLE and SC as it gave the lowest value of root mean square error equal (0.483) and (0.235) respectively. Therefore in this study, SARIMA(p,d,q) model was the most appropriate for time series forecasting which is very accurate in both short and medium term forecasting.</p> Supichamon Jareewanphet ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3167 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:40:02 SE Asia Daylight Time The Comparison of capabilities between portfolios Invest in common stocks and real estate and construction mutual funds https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3168 <p>The objective of this research is to study the ability to generate average returns and the risk of investing in common stocks and the PROPCON (Property and Construction) portfolio in three investment portfolios: a portfolio of common stocks in the property and construction sector, a portfolio of REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) in the property and construction sector, and a combined portfolio of common stocks and REITs in the property and construction sector. The analysis is based on the monthly closing prices of 168 securities in the PROPCON group in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, covering a period of three years from January 2020 to December 2022. The research also tests hypothetical portfolios optimized using the Sharpe Ratio to assess their respective abilities, comparing all three portfolios, and benchmarking them against the stock price index in the property and construction sector (PROPCON) to evaluate their abilities in portfolio management based on actual returns over the following six months.</p> <p>The study revealed that the investment portfolio in common stocks and the combined portfolio of common stocks and mutual funds in the property and construction sector (Common Stock + PF&amp;REITs) exhibited similar movements in terms of returns. However, the portfolio investing in REITs and mutual funds in the property and construction sector (PF&amp;REITs) showed different patterns. When comparing the ability to generate returns of the investment portfolios against the stock price index in the property and construction sector (PROPCON), it was found that the portfolios had better risk management capabilities than the market. Specifically, they had lower negative returns, which supports the hypothesis that portfolio management has a higher potential for generating returns or effectively managing risks</p> ชัยรัต พลไสย์ ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3168 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:41:21 SE Asia Daylight Time A study of factors affecting mutual fund fees and expenses in Thailand (2022) https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3169 <p>The purpose of this research is to examine factors affecting fees and expenses of mutual funds in Thailand using the mutual fund data in &nbsp;2022. Statistical method was a statistical regression analysis. There are five factors of interest in this study including economies of scale, value of information and cost of monitor, performance and prestige, governance, tax benefits.</p> <p>The results suggest that larger and older funds charge lower management fees and total expenses. Equity funds charge higher fees and total expenses than bond funds. Funds with higher return charge higher management fees. Active fund charge higher management fees and total expenses than the passive ones. Funds with independent directors charge higher total expenses while funds with tax benefits charge lower total expenses.</p> Usanisa Usaha ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3169 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:42:48 SE Asia Daylight Time Earnings forecasting in a global stock selection model and efficient portfolio construction and management: case study of Thailand https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3170 <p>This research selected securities using the GLER Model (the global expected returns model) and applied the results to form a Markowitz's Mean-Variance portfolio. This research utilized securities data from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) from 2009 to 2019.</p> <p>The study found that selecting of securities using the GLER Model (the global expected returns model) and constructing the portfolio using Markowitz's Mean-Variance Portfolio method led to better returns compared to the market return in 2019. Additionally, it was discovered that the GLER Model identified significant factors for predicting the investment return of securities, including the book-price ratio, relative cashflow-price ratio, relative book-price ratio, and price momentum.</p> kriangkrai lomchawwakarn ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3170 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:44:05 SE Asia Daylight Time Profitability in the Forex Market with the USD/CHF Currency Pair using Grid Trading Strategy. https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3171 <p>The aim of this study was to develop a profitable strategy in the foreign exchange market using the USD/Swiss franc currency pair. Two strategies, namely the Traditional Grid and the Dynamic Grid, were created and backtested. The study analyzed the USD exchange rate data from January 2019 to May 2023, The optimum criteria for each strategy were determined based on the performance of the USD/Swiss franc pair.</p> <p>The results of the study showed that both strategies yielded profitable outcomes. Strategy 1, the Traditional Grid, achieved a profit of 23.51%, with a maximum drawdown of 17.04% and a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.7247. On the other hand, Strategy 2, the Dynamic Grid, achieved a profit of 81.16%, with a maximum drawdown of 17.75% and a CV of 0.2187.</p> <p>Based on the experimental results, the study concluded that the most suitable strategy is Strategy 2, the Dynamic Grid. This strategy demonstrated higher returns compared to the Traditional Grid and had a lower CV, making it the most profitable option during the analyzed period.</p> ณัฐภัทร อรรถบูรณ์วงศ์ ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3171 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:45:20 SE Asia Daylight Time Option pricing, Black-Scholes Model, Monte carlo simulation, Neural networks https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3178 <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;This study aims to compare option pricing calculations employing a numerical method and a neural network for European options, utilizing daily data from a sample group of NEX-W2 warrants officially traded on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. NEX-W2 warrants have a life span of three years from issuance and can be exercised only once upon expiration.</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;From the study, it was found that the option prices calculated through the numerical method, consisting of the Black-Scholes method and the Monte Carlo method, were very close to each other. However, the option prices derived from the neural network method were higher than those calculated using the numerical method and were closely comparable to the actual market option prices. Notably, the price movement direction of each method was found to correspond with the market price movement direction.</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Considering the RMSE value of the three methods, it was discovered that the neural network model yielded the lowest RMSE value of 1.02. This suggests that the neural network model is most appropriate for approximating option contract prices in this case study. Meanwhile, the RMSE values for the Black-Scholes method and the Monte Carlo method were 3.936849 and 3.937826 respectively.</p> Pornprasit Chusang ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3178 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:47:38 SE Asia Daylight Time Return on Mutual fund under Unit linked Insurance Plan https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3179 <p>Thailand is entering a completely aging society in the near future. The social order has shifted. Financial planning is essential for persons of working age nowadays. This research therefore studies an alternative to financial planning- unit-linked insurance plan (ULIP) and create long-term health insurance welfare with supplementary health contracts by studying the working principles of unit-linked insurance including the profitability of the funds invested by life insurance companies. and returns received by the insured when investing every month for a period of 10 years.</p> <p>The study found that the return of mutual funds under the investment-linked life insurance is between 3.05% and 6.74%. In addition, when considering the operation of the unit-linked life insurance, it is found that the premium payment remains constant throughout the contract. However, the cost of insurance increases with age.&nbsp; The principle of investing money is to bring insurance premiums to pay for insurance costs first. And invest the remaining money in mutual funds of the insured's choice from the calculations, it is found that from the selected funds can provide the highest return on investment at 16.26 percent, however, there are other funds that have negative returns as well. Therefore, the insured should understand mutual funds and financial management principles of life insurance before deciding to choose a fund. in order to get the desired return.</p> บุษกร แพงพงษ์มา ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3179 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:49:30 SE Asia Daylight Time The comparison portfolio management between mean variance portfolio and black-litterman portfolio https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3180 <p>This study was conducted to compare the efficiency of stock portfolio management in the period from January 2019 to December 2021 with two different modeling approaches: the Mean Variance portfolio and the Black litterman portfolio (BLP).</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The result found that BLP has better diversification of portfolio risk than MVP and had a greater return than MVP for equal risk exposure ,As the BLP,may be because it can take investor’s perspective into consideration when making portfolio arrangements, making investor’s portfolios look at the future as well, not just from only data as same as MVP.</p> กามิล สาแล ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3180 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:51:47 SE Asia Daylight Time The comparison of Value-at-Risk models performance https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3159 <p>This study to use the concept of Value at Risk (VaR) to compare the results to show which methods of modeling can be effective in describing the total loss of investment in SET index, SET50 index and mai index during January 2016 to December 2022. The three approaches which are Historical Simulation, Delta Normal and Monte Carlo Simulation are used to calculate VaR. The estimation effectiveness is measured by Likelihood Ratio (Kupiec, 1995).</p> <p>The results are that Delta Normal and Monte Carlo Simulation showed no difference in efficiency at 95 and 99 percent confidence intervals. At 95 percent confidence intervals, Delta Normal and Monte Carlo Simulation are applicable in measuring VaR for SET index. Historical Simulation is the most applicable approach in measuring Value at Risk as compared to the other two methods at 99 percent confidence intervals. However, Historical Simulation may overestimate VaR and cannot capture the actual loss.</p> Tanapat Sitthisanguanthai ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3159 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:53:36 SE Asia Daylight Time Tools for promoting the development of imagination and Creativity thinking in young children https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3108 <p>Imagination and creativity are not talents but are basic abstract ideas that are inherent in all human beings, with which we can apply our imagination and creativity in the real world in many ways and produce new results, which will spark the dreams of what we will do, including many inspiration for our lives, until when we all grow into adults, have many responsibilities by encountering with a more realistic world, with many important factors in living, resulting in our imagination and creativity, so gradually disappeared. That's why people consider imagination and creativity to be less important in our daily lives and far from us can only be found in art or design but in fact, it is close to us and has many benefits, such as helping us to think, solve problems in different ways and being creative allows us to see things around us in a different light. This results in a more cheerful and positive personality. According to various researches, it has been found that the age suitable for Enhancing imagination and creativity will occur in children, which will have a positive effect on both the body and mind.</p> <p>In this research to study to study the factor to stimulate imagination and creativity including study the design process of tools that promote the development of the imagination and creativity so the researcher therefore has an idea to create tools to enhance creativity, release imagination and improve cognitive skills.</p> Chananad Limlak ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3108 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:00:01 SE Asia Daylight Time Practical and light equipment for the curious explorer https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3110 <p>Here’s Curious Explorer means a day trip or short-distance traveler. Backpacks are equipment for curious explorers, But traditional backpacks have a problem with taking out items. Like(Sunscreen/Hat/ Power Bank/ Cellphone/ Tissues/ Pen/ Mask/ Sunglasses/ Water Bottle/ Cash wallet/ Passport...) How to get these items out of the backpack more easily. And people can feel a significant increase in pressure on their shoulders after carrying a heavy backpack for some time. How to reduce the weight of the backpack or make the user feel lighter. The backpack can be designed and made to test the feasibility of the design, and then refined to make it work. For example, the backpack can be cut into two bags and placed separately on the front of the chest for easy access to items in the backpack. The elastic shoulder straps can be used to reduce the load, so we can connect the elastic straps to the backpack, allowing the backpack to swing up and down to counteract the pressure, similar to the principle of a soft stretcher swinging up and down. The backpack's easy access design works, but because the pack is broken down into two bags, the two bags sway against each other when they are placed behind the back and the user is walking. The practicality of the elastic straps is low and after a period of use, they will fail, meaning they will lose their elasticity and will not work. So the question of how to maintain the effectiveness of the elastic straps or find suitable replacements will be an issue in the future.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> SHIZHEN TANG ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3110 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:03:54 SE Asia Daylight Time Accessible Packaging Design for The Elderly https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3115 <p>With the aggravation of population aging, the elderly are taking an increasing proportion in social life. Due to aging, their physical abilities are declining, and they urgently need attention from all walks of life, especially designers. Food is an indispensable part of people's daily life. In recent years, as aging becomes more and more serious, the issue of age-appropriateness of food packaging has gradually drawn people's attention to the role of food packaging in transmitting food information and protecting food, however, some current products on the market do not show the age-appropriateness of packaging, often ignoring the real visual and psychological needs of the elderly. In this paper, we will analyze the existing problems in the elderly-friendly food packaging and propose food packaging design strategies to improve the efficiency of information transmission in the elderly-friendly food packaging.</p> liu miao ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3115 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:05:13 SE Asia Daylight Time Design to enhance kid's perception of body beauty https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3117 <p>In recent years, more and more people have been experiencing body image anxiety. People's misconceptions about their own body image lead to a range of problems. This can trigger body dissatisfaction attitudes lower levels of self-esteem and in severe cases health problems such as anorexia. The goal of this paper is to take feasible ways to effectively prevent such problems in advance and to establish proper body aesthetics and positive body acceptance attitudes. It allows children to gradually build up their self-confidence and treat their bodies correctly during their early growth. Through the picture book as a carrier, to convey the diversity of aesthetic as the viewpoint, through the story and text content, the character image to let children feel the picture book story brought about by the reflective meaning.</p> Yanyan Huang ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3117 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:06:40 SE Asia Daylight Time Multifunctional packaging for cultural products https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3119 <p>Dali is a famous tourist city in China. With beautiful scenery and a long history, various ethnic groups interact with each other and produce many cultural products. However, cultural products are difficult to break through.With the development of society, people have higher and higher requirements for products, and the pollution to the environment is also increasing. 40% of urban household waste is packaging waste. Environmental protection has always been the theme of the world, starting from the cultural products themselves, to study new environmental protection packaging materials, so that packaging is not only the added value of the product, but also can exist independently and become a tourist souvenir, and give functions.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Through the investigation of Dali tourism market, and residents to the treatment of packaging, the data graph. With cultural products as the center, with the purpose of using environmental protection packaging materials, reflecting multi-functional packaging and cultural inheritance, we make a multi-functional packaging for cultural products.In order to realize this design, we actively talk with tourists, understand customer needs, learn excellent design cases, study new packaging materials, and form our own design style through continuous learning. Increase Dali tourism income at the same time to spread culture, new packaging materials research, but also protect the environment at the same time, provide new ideas for packaging design.</p> piyun Luo ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3119 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:08:10 SE Asia Daylight Time Plant packaging for transportation (to reduce damage during shipping process) https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3122 <p style="font-weight: 400;">During the Covid-19 situation, people have spent more time in their homes than going outside. People can’t even travel out of the province that they live in. A lot of people in Bangkok live in condominiums or apartments where no pets are allowed. Another way to release loneliness is taking care of plants, but all markets are closed. In addition, Thai superstars are starting to take care of plants. So, people have started to become more interested in plants. So, they need to buy plants from online shops. However, it’s a new thing for farmers to pack and deliver them via delivery services, which causes a lot of problems for sellers and buyers. The most important problem of delivering plants is damage sustained during delivery. For this reason this study amis 1)to design packaging to pack cactus more easily with better protect and 2)to design cactus packaging that can be used benfit.</p> Thapanit Prougestapon ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3122 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:14:56 SE Asia Daylight Time The Shelving Of Vernacular Mart https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3124 <p>During my investigation on the local shopping convenience supermarkets in my hometown, I found that there are many problems in the display status of the supermarket, so we have launched an analysis of customer needs for this problem, and added our product culture to encourage consumers to use our shelves Let's get a good experience and be able to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>&nbsp;Lay out,Shelving,Customers,Encourage,Culture</p> Chang Yue ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3124 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time DISASTER RESPONSE TOOLS FOR SURVIVORS https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3125 <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;The inadequate response to disasters in poorer countries result in victims suffering grave repercussions after the impact. Disaster prone areas are under constant threat due to their location, and they face a higher risk in the coming years due to climate change. The developed countries are far better prepared for such events. Japan, due to its location and geographical attributes, is prone to multiple disasters, and has faced a large number of earthquakes and Tsunamis resulting in a significant loss overt the years. Consequently, within the past decade, the country has invested significantly in formulating an effective disaster management based on what is needed in various situations. Comparatively, the lesser developed countries lack the funds, skill, information, infrastructure, and more importantly, political stability, thus hindering its ability to efficiently cope with the challenges of natural disasters and its impacts. In most cases, the funds and shelters supplied to these areas as relief aids from other countries are highly mismanaged, and people would be left to make arrangements for themselves to pull through. Arranging shelters are crucial immediately after a disaster, so people are able to take refuge in a safe place so they can focus on recovering and eventually starting to rebuild their lives. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the resourcefulness and creativity the displaced have exhibited in assembling makeshift shelters as desperate measures to tackle the need for a suitable shelter, with the limited provisions available to them, and further attempt to devise a system that supports these victims in constructing a stable temporary structure for a safe refuge.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> tenzing yangkyi shrestha ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3125 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:35:41 SE Asia Daylight Time Regeneration of unused spaces - design to alter perceptions https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3128 <p>Through the investigation of the current situation of urban unused space, the potential value of urban unused space is analyzed. The city is an organic life and is in continuous development, and most land uses are limited in a certain period, but the use status will change with the change of the use mode. Inefficient land or unused space in the city needs to be activated to create new use value. Take the transformation design of some idle buildings in the city as an example for analysis. By implanting new functions into unused spaces such as old buildings, stimulate the vitality of idle spaces, so that they can better serve the surrounding people and meet people's higher level of life pursuit.</p> Jinlong Zhang ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3128 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:38:11 SE Asia Daylight Time Book design for children with developmental disabilities https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3132 <p>With the development of the times, More and more people are paying attention to the physical and mental health of children. The particularity of children with developmental disabilities makes them have to carry out special rehabilitation learning. Book learning is one of the important means of children's learning. Based on the analysis of autistic children's cognitive characteristics, causes and daily behaviors, this paper designs a book that can help autistic children develop. Autistic children are more prominent in visual and tactile aspects.so the article combines sensory theory to make them play a role in books, enhance the learning experience of books, and make books more suitable for autistic children. Secondly, analyze the successful cases of interactive books, design books with interactivity, to a certain extent, reduce the inherent defects, and alleviate the development barriers of autistic children. At the same time, pay attention to the field of children's book design, and let more people pay attention to this group of "children from stars".</p> yang ziwen ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3132 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:39:45 SE Asia Daylight Time Educational toys to enhance mother-child communication https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3135 <p>ABSTRACT</p> <p>Parent-child interaction is an important way to enhance parent-child relationship. Parent-child interaction products are an important medium to close the parent-child relationship. However, many parent-child products do not achieve effective parent-child interaction and emotional satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to explore reasonable ways of parent-child interaction and design methods of parent-child interaction products through the study of 6-9 years old school children and their mothers. This paper studies child psychology and parent-child interaction from the fields of psychology and product design. By comparing with traditional parent-child interaction, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of traditional parent-child interaction, and designs from the perspective of parent-child emotion. Secondly, with 6-9 years old school children and their mothers as target users, in-depth research and analysis are carried out. Then, through questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, parent-child users are investigated and studied to explore the potential needs of users and refine the design principles of product design. Finally, through theoretical research and user analysis, parent-child interactive products are designed to complete the product design practice. Based on the problems existing in parent-child interaction and the interaction needs of users, from the perspective of emotional interaction, this paper changes the focus of interaction from the interaction between people and products to the promotion of interaction between people through the medium of products, and then rises to the cultivation of parent-child emotion, which is of great significance to the formation of a good parent-child relationship and the healthy growth of children.</p> YUTONG LIU ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3135 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:43:04 SE Asia Daylight Time 2D ANIMATION FLIM TO CAMPAIGN FOR THE PROBLEM OF ABANDONMENT OF PETS WITH DISABILITIES IN THAI SOCIETY "KANG SOM" https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3100 <p>The purpose of this thesis was to design and produce "Kang-Som," a 2D animation movie for a campaign against the abandonment of disabled pets in Thai society, in order to raise awareness among the people in Thai society about the issue of abandoned pets, using the medium of a 2D animation movie to tell a story of a human and a pet. The production of the animation movie was achieved through the collection of technical and useful information.</p> <p>By utilizing animation in a campaign against the issue of disabled pets in Thai society, the animation was designed to be entertaining, inspiring, and imagination-promoting. It was suitable for all age groups and carried an underlying message to raise awareness and decrease the abandonment of disabled pets in society.</p> Boonpares Goheng Rungruang ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3100 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:51:11 SE Asia Daylight Time REHEARSAL TECHNIQUES AND INTERPRETATION OF PAMINA’S ARIA FROM DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3098 <p>The purpose of this study was to explore rehearsal techniques and interpretation of Pamina’s Aria. The study aimed to improve the singing and interpretation skills of the song. By studying Pamina’s Aria from the opera “Die Zauberflöte,” the goal was to identify solutions to common problems that arise during rehearsals and apply them to performances.</p> <p>The study found that initial training should be appropriately planned and systematic. It should begin with practicing to read the lyrics in one sentence at a time. Then, the singer should read the entire song correctly, analyze the lyrics, memorize the melody, and practice singing. Additionally, breathing exercises, utilizing the method of paragraph breaks, are crucial. Vocalization requires continuous singing, which can create problems with running notes and non-step intervals. As a result, continuous singing must create a reverberating sound with each vocal range connected as one. This connection must remain consistent regardless of the changing sound range. Moreover, the interpretation of the song should harmonize with the intensity of the sound, and the emotion conveyed during singing must remain consistent. Finally, if any problems arise during the training, the problem areas should be separated and addressed by choosing an appropriate method to solve the issue.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>&nbsp;Rehearsal, Singing, Pamina</p> วรรณวนัช กิตติวงษ์ไกรสิน ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3098 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:53:01 SE Asia Daylight Time PRACTICE GUIDELINES AND STUDY OF SONG INTERPRETATION LA CATEDRAL BY AGUSTIN BARRIOS MANGORE https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3220 <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-cluster; text-indent: 36.0pt;"><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'Angsana New',serif; color: black;">The objective of this research is to learn about the best way to play classical guitar through the study of song interpretation, specifically focusing on ‘La Catedral’ by Agustin barrios mangoré. The research aims to provide practical guidelines for interpreting this song and seeks to find effective performance techniques. for <span style="background: white;">Graduate Classical Guitar Recital By Suppapornpong Wongsiri. There are main </span>objective in this study; the first is to correct interpretation and the right way with training getting started corresponds in this song and change to the best way for musician</span></p> Suppapornpong Wongsiri ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3220 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:55:54 SE Asia Daylight Time Practice Practice Procedures for Violin Performance in Antonin Dvorak's Sonatina in G Major op.100 https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3219 <p style="font-weight: 400;">The study of performances practice for violin performances in Antonin dvorak <em>Sonatina in G Major op. 100</em>. The objective of this study is to interpret the music to present the performance practice guidelines, and present the guidelines for playing with the piano.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The result from the study of all four parts of <em>Sonatina in G Major op. 100</em> shows that the song conveyed &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a lot of emotion and different techniques were used on each part. Included movement of</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">finger, vibrato, double stop, bow choosing, speed of bowing’s movement, string crossing, spiccato bow stroke, weight transfer form shoulder and&nbsp;</span>arm and lastly, the correlation between left and right hands. However, in order to be able to perform a beautiful emotional song, not only does it depend on different kinds of technique used in the song but also depends on thorough understand of concept and context of the song as well as proper rehearsals. To be more specific, each rehearsal should be well planned by first, slowly rehearse hard part of the song and also concentrate on both left and right hand, Lastly, in the part of rehearsals with the pianist, both violinist and the pianist need to understand each other in order to perform a uniquely beautiful song.</p> Pimorn Chaorattana ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3219 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:57:05 SE Asia Daylight Time วิเคราห์ A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF WES MONTGOMERY’S, PETER BERNSTEIN’S AND MIKE MORENO’S IMPROVISATION ON AIREGIN https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3184 <p>This research presented herein is a Comparative Analysis of Wes Montgomery’s, Peter Bernstein’s and Mike Moreno’s Improvisations on “Airegin”, concentrating on area of rhythmics and melodic patterns, harmonies, usage of scales and other important musical elements. Research in rhythm part Moreno and Bernstein used various rhythmic densities while Montgomery used repeated rhythmic development melodic patterns. Melodic patterns part Bernstein has a wide range of extended notes from overlapping triad chords, corresponding to Moreno with a longer melody in a stepdown direction, Montgomery with a more melodic note emphasizing chord tones in falling rhythm connect by chromatic note. For harmony part, Bernstein's melodic harmonies form a melody by incorporating various forms of chords, Montgomery presents in the octave. For scale part, we found the introduction of the Dorian scale that all 3 guitarists used to create a melody. Moreno uses the melodic minor scale. Like Bernstein, it was also found that additional scales were used. harmonic minor and the major scale. The other parts of Moreno used semi-hollow guitar with guitar effect, while Montgomery and Bernstein had hollow guitars in which Montgomery uses with his right thumb in playing the guitar’s string. Unlike Bernstein and Moreno use pick guitar.</p> ชัชวาลย์ กลมกล่อม ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3184 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:58:16 SE Asia Daylight Time ANALYSIS OF MANNY MARROQUIN’S MIXING TECHNIQUES https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3185 <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze elements of Pop song, concepts and unique mixing techniques of Manny Marroquin. The three songs of Marroquin were chosen from his most internationally recognized works.&nbsp; The analysis of song elements consisted of lyrics, melody, arrangement, instrumentation, genres, and concepts. The study focused on both vocals: lead and backing vocals and rhythm section was&nbsp; being examined.&nbsp; Several aspects were discussed in details including balance, panning, and signal processing; equalizer, compressor, reverb, and delay.</p> <p>The results of analyzing indicate that the simplicity of lyrics convey typical love song. The melodies are repetitive.&nbsp; The unique melody of each section demonstrates great varieties. The arrangement emphasized the rhythm section is influenced by combination of recent Pop style and hits songs of the 70’s and 80’s.&nbsp; The genres are mixtures of Pop, R&amp;B, Hip Hop, and rock.&nbsp; The mixing techniques placed importance on kick, snare, bass, lead vocal tracks. The using of signal processors is added to three dimensions: width, height, and depth.</p> วีรภัทร์ อึ้งอัมพร ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3185 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 12:01:14 SE Asia Daylight Time AN ANALYSIS MOTIVIC DEVELOPMENT OF RONDO CAPRICCIOSO OP. 14 BY FELIX MENDELSSOHN https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3229 <p>Independent Study on Motive Development Analysis in Felix Mendelsohn's Composition Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 14, with the objective of the researcher being to analyze the motive and the development and the introduction of a motive or those fragments to develop different styles, analyze the structure of the composition Including a little analysis of harmonization.</p> <p>In the analysis of Rondo Capriccioso, op. 14, was described by Felix Mendelsohn. The researcher divided the large structure into two parts: the main parts A and B, with the introduction, and between the parts there will be an interpolation bridge. Finally finished with the coda episode. The composition in the main section consists of the use of three motives, of which motive x is the main material in section A. It can also be divided into m and n fragments. Part B has y and z motives as key raw materials. The poem then proceeds with the use of a motive, or those fragments that form an important part of the composition. Harmonic progression has a modulation from Em to G. It's a third relationship. There is also a mode mixture between E and Em.</p> Photchara Kumpradist ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3229 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time LORENZ, ROESSLERE, HENON : MUSIC COMPOSITION FOR CHAMBER ENSEMBLE AND MODULAR SYNTHESIZER https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3187 <p>The composition Lorenz, Roessler, Henon for chamber ensemble and modular synthesizer are an original contemporary classical music pieces. They were composed based on strange attractor equations which are applied to manage pitch, dynamic and note duration and combined acoustic and electronic composition techniques altogether.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The principle composition technique which is heavily used in the compositions are algorithmic. Furthermore, they are integrating sound design on modular synthesizer. The process of each composition used different approaches on obtaining result from equation. In the first composition, the composer used Micro Ornament and Crime module in Low Rentz mode to obtain the value of Lorenz equation and then took the value of the result to manage pitch, dynamic, duration and dimension of the soumd. The quarter tone and regular equal-temper tuning system were used together by the composer. In the second composition the composer used Max software to aid in finding values from Roessler equation to manage pitch and duration in the composition. In addition, the composer used Euclidean rhythm pattern in the middle part of the composition. In the third composition, the composer used algorithm on software to generate MIDI file and then spread the obtained melody to all instruments in the ensemble according to registration of each instrument. All of 3 compositions used modular synthesizer to play cadenza part, The next procedure is to prepare musical raw material and plan various structures then develop and ensemble all material together to get the composition which has rhythmic, melodic, harmonic and timbre variety. Furthermore, the composition has value in both of structure and appreciation. However, the compositions are challenging according to difficulty in performing and preparation. Thus they needs efficient preparation and rehearsal.</p> Pradit Saengkrai ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3187 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 12:07:15 SE Asia Daylight Time Music Composition “Learning” For Jazz Orchestra https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3263 <p>Music composition <em>“Learning”</em> for jazz orchestra, aimed to produce the song that have an inspiration from the composer’s feelings during he had studied master degree in conservatory of music, Rangsit University. The composer have a chance to learn and faced with new experiences which is a big change in his life. It takes time for the composer to adapt to a new society which is totally different from his home town. The feeling of pressure when dealing with unfamiliar surroundings and the differentiation of the tradition are inspirations for the composer to compose this song to reflect the feeling of the composer once he faced the problems. This tune has 7 minutes long. Composed by using the combination of Jazz and Classical composition techniques. This tune had completely followed its objectives, the first published was in Monday Night Live Part IX had been played by RSU Jazz Orchestra. This tune is a creative work that is beneficial to the education and development of the Thai music industry.</p> ณัฐวุฒิ หมัดอ่าหมีด ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://rsujournals.rsu.ac.th/index.php/rgrc/article/view/3263 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 06:37:01 SE Asia Daylight Time