Paradigm Shift in Hygiene Awareness Among Various Demographics in Thailand

  • Erik Stefan Joensson Rangsit University
  • Hao I Pang
  • Sye Owen
  • Chirag Bahadur Basnet
  • Amporn Puapadrit
Keywords: Covid-19, Thailand, Hygiene, pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic swept over the world and changed the way many people lived forever. From one
day to the other, many countries enforced laws on wearing masks and keeping social distance, while many companies
enforced rules on hand sanitizing and continuous COVID-19 testing, all to keep the virus from spreading. In late 2022,
when this research paper was written, we wanted to find out if the COVID-19 pandemic had had any lasting effects on
regular people’s hygiene habits and hygiene awareness, as the pandemic induced laws and regulations were being
loosened and people were once again left to make their own choices. As the team is based in Thailand, we decided to
focus on varying demographics of people living in Thailand when conducting our research. We used data collected
through surveys to get a better understanding of people’s hygiene habits and hygiene awareness, and asked questions
defining demographic factors to be able to compare different groups among the people answering our survey. As we
suspected, hygienical habits and awareness had changed in Thailand during the pandemic, but contrary to our original
assumptions demographic factors had very little effect on the matter.
