Researching Factors Affecting the Implementation of Digital Transformation in the Retail Industry: Using TOE Framework

  • Vu Thi Thanh Binh Vietnam National University - University of Economics and Business
  • The Binh Vu Vietnam National University - University of Economics and Business
  • Thanh Lam Dinh Class QH-2020 E KTPT CLC4, University of Economics and Business - VNU, Hanoi
Keywords: AHP, digital transformation, determinants, retail industry, TOE framework


Retail industry play an essential role in the economy. The retail industry has witnessed a solid digital transformation in recent times, especially under the catalysis of the Covid-19 outbreak. To maintain the sustainable development of the retail sector, firms need to know the determinants of the implementation and success of digital transformation to invest resources effectively. This research interviews experts to explore factors affecting digital transformation in the retail industry and employ the AHP method for analysis. The findings indicate that technology is the most significant factor of digital transformation, followed by the organization factor. The environmental factor is the slightest influence on digital transformation in the retail industry. Based on these findings, retail firms, the government, and other stakeholders can have appropriate solutions to promote digital transformation.
