Exploring Little Red Book User-Generated Content Model on Chinese Users Perception in Bangkok

  • Jianchao Fu
  • Doungtip Chareonrook
Keywords: Little Red Book User, Chinese Users, Perception


This research paper presents findings from in-depth interviews conducted with eight users of Little Red Book, four residing in China and four in Bangkok, to investigate the impact of user-generated content (UGC) on the perception of Bangkok among Little Red Book users. The study revealed that Little Red Book has become an indispensable tool for most young Chinese people, with high user engagement and broad audience. Most of the interviewees used the app to gain information on city images and tourist destinations. Little Red Book has excellent data analysis capabilities and can accurately recommend content based on users' preferences and geographical location, attracting a significant number of users interested in travel information about Bangkok. Although the app provides comprehensive information about Bangkok, concerns among Chinese users who have not visited Bangkok regarding safety, owing to negative information on Little Red Book, greatly influence the city's image in their minds.
