Thailand’s Risk of Corruption in State Enterprise Cooperation

  • กชกร อนุสรณ์พานิช พนักงานธนาคาร
Keywords: Risk, Corruption, Savings Cooperatives, State Enterprise Cooperatives


          The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the risk patterns that cause corruption in state enterprise cooperatives; 2) to study corruption processes in various forms in state enterprise cooperatives; 3) to suggest measures to supervise the risk of corruption of state enterprise cooperatives. The study methods include:  qualitative research in document study and in-depth interviews by selecting a group of key informants from two savings cooperatives. The researcher selected purposive sampling randomly selected only those who provided important master data which is the selection of the main information provider according to the objectives of the research directly, not dependent on the proportion of population from the selection of 10 key informants. The research results were identified as following: There are 23 types of risk patterns that cause corruption of state enterprise cooperatives in 7 activities of state enterprise cooperative management. And there is a process of corruption in different ways according to the nature of the management activities in each area.  However, the risk of all corruption found in state enterprise cooperatives.  It is a petty corruption and is a management or operating platform. (Administrative corruption) for risk control measures are: 1) Providing an internal control system using accounting information systems that can be monitored by reviewing the correctness at every step at all time; 2) executives must create a transparent culture, set up rules and regulations and must strictly comply; 3) moral principles must be instilled in which work ethics and support anti-corruption in all forms of organization; and 4) providing audits from external authorities and seriously giving supervision of state enterprise cooperatives.
