The Scavenger : Otherness of Life

  • พิชญาดา ดำแก้ว หลักสูตร ป.เอก ผู้นำฯ วิทยาลัยนวัตกรรมสังคม
Keywords: Scavenger, Otherness of Life, discourse, values and new identity


This studying would like to show the power of knowledge through the wording that show of the objectives and giving the minus valuable to the scavenger who have only the otherness of life. The daily life was spent with the rude words from society. However, the scavenger tried to spend their life without the help from others. They also tried to build the valuable that the society needs them to do and submit through the education process. Due to they believe that the education will lead them to the honor and the valuable of human being. The objectives of the studying are:

  1. To study and show of the life style of the scavenger under the valuable of the otherness of life.
  2. To study and present the new knowledge from the fighting of the scavenger to the process of building oneself valuable and new identities.

            The result of studying showed that the life and valuable of the otherness did not happen by innocent but because of the city and economic development that product the opposite of the development. That is the scavenger who was poor, dirty, lack of the chance and alternatives. When the scavenger are the people who the city does not need, so they were people who should not closed to. They show this attitude by dislike, look down and treat them as a useless people.

But for the scavenger, seeking for garbage is the best way of the people who have no choice. It is the chance of savior of life, the chance to full, the chance to destroy the frame of wording that lead to build the new life and identities by oneself survey process, reach to education system, build the summit, know the valuable of one. The power of oneself will be the power to control the relationship of power, attitude and confidential without trembler, inferior, poor and pain from losing on the value and new identity of their own.

            A good attitude to others and oneself is a conditional to make the best life, due to all life will live together in society with honor of human and use the same standard to each life.      
