Free Individual Chinese Tourists in Thailand

  • สุภาวดี ชำนาญวาด นักวิจัย หรือ นักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต


               Recently, a large number of Chinese tourisms come to Thailand but their travel behaviour might obviously different from previous. The number of Chinese tourists traveling with their number increasing from that point the objective is to study of the change of style tour of Chinese tourists in Thailand. Explore the travel habits of Chinese tourists. Compare the style of Chinese tourists to travel in the past and present. And recommend the management capacity of the country to cater for Chinese tourists. The literature review the stores were Chinese tourists to Thailand.  To find the result of study for guide planning for Chinese tourists to come to Thailand.      

               The results showed that Chinese tourists traveling to Thailand on their own. Due to factors such as China's economy grows rapidly. Urban middle class has increased. The expansion of transportation making travel more convenient.  Another important aspect is the expansion and growth of the Internet is more widely. It studied in traveling abroad is easier than before. Information for tourists traveling can be found easier on the internet. The site visit is popular among the Chinese review sites such as tourism. Within the website, it will contain important information, such as the introduction of flights, accommodation, travel and even restaurant recommendations known. As a result, Chinese tourists are keen and interested to try to travel on their own. The current Education of China, it is very advanced. China has a population of some foreign language capabilities. And one in the famous language study is Thai. Chinese tourism feel bored to travel with travel agency cause never have the freedom to travel.  And It also has a phenomenal tour coin against the Law of Tourism. This is the factor that makes the Chinese people today choose to travelling in style, more individually. 

                From the questionnaires, we found that most Chinese tourisms that come to Thailand chooses to travel as backpackers. By doing so, this gives them an adventurous experience as well as more time to spend among themselves unlike traveling with agency.









