Attitude and Advertising Media Exposure of the BTS Passengers

  • ชัญญาณัฏฐ์ ธเนศฉัตรเจริญ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร
Keywords: Attitude, Advertising Media Exposure, The BTS Passengers


                   The objectives of this research were 1) to study attitude and advertising media exposure of the BTS passengers; 2) to compare the relationship between the BTS passengers’ demographic characteristics and their service behaviors; 3) to compare the differences of the BTS passengers’ demographic characteristics towards their advertising media exposure; and 4) to study the relationship of the passengers’ attitudes on the BTS in-trained advertisement with    the BTS passengers’ advertising media exposure. The researcher randomly selected 400 participants through the Cluster sampling method by using the questionnaire as a data collection tool. The analytical statistics included standard deviation, mean, average and frequency distribution. The hypothesis testing included Chi-square, T-Test, F-Test (ANOVA) values testing and Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient.

                    The study found that most respondents were single female at age between 21-30 years old, obtained bachelor degree, worked as employees of private organizations/state enterprises with an average of below THB 10,000 monthly income. The average usage of the BTS service was once in a while, during 06.00-09.00 am (Morning rush hour) for leisure purposes (traveling/shopping/personal business). The overall level of the BTS passengers’ attitudes and   their advertising exposures were at moderate level.

                    The results of the research testing demonstrated that 1) passengers with demographic characteristic i.e. the gender difference, posed only one aspect of different behavior in using the BTS service, which was the traveling hour. For passengers who were different in gender, posed no different behavior in using the BTS service. There were 2 aspects found, which were the frequency of service and the purpose of use. Passengers who were different in demographic characteristic i.e. marital status, posed only one aspect of different behavior in using the BTS service, which was  the purpose of service usage. For passengers who were different in marital status posed no different behavior in using  the BTS service. There were 2 aspects found, which were the frequency of service and the purpose of use. Passengers who were different in education level, posed only one aspect of different behavior in using the BTS service, which was  the traveling period. Passengers who were different in demographic characteristics i.e. age, occupation and average monthly income, posed different three aspect of different behavior in using the BTS service that included the frequency  of service, the traveling period and the purpose of use, 2) passengers with different in demographic characteristic i.e. gender difference, posed different attitude toward the BTS in-trained advertising media. Female passengers had overall attitude on understanding and sentiment higher than male. Passengers with differences in demographic characteristics i.e. age, status, education level, occupation and average monthly income, had no different attitude towards the BTS in-trained advertising media, 3) passengers with difference in demographic characteristics i.e. gender difference, had different exposure towards the BTS in-trained advertising media. Female passengers were more exposed to all 4 aspects of the BTS in-trained advertising media than male passengers.  While passengers with differences in demographic characteristics i.e. age, status, education level, occupation and average monthly income were overall no differences in terms of their BTS  in-trained advertising media exposure; and 4) passengers’ attitudes toward the BTS in-trained advertising media were overall correlated with the BTS passengers which was relatively high.
