Process Improvement of Contractor Management in Accordance with Thailand Quality Award

  • ณธรา บรรพตนพเก้า สถาบันการจัดการปัญญาภิวัฒน์
Keywords: Process improvement, Process management, Contractor management process, Thailand Quality Award (TQA)


                   The purposes of this research were to 1) synthesize the Thailand Quality Award (TQA) and best practices of the TQA winners that create to the process management excellence program. 2) study the current state of the contractor management processes by using the process management excellence program perspective. 3) improve the contractor management process that relate to reality problems of them.

                   The results of research showed that the process management excellence program consist of 4 main components including 1) Approach 2) Deployment 3) Learning and 4) Integration. Within 4 main components are consist of 11 sub-elements. The study results of current state of contractor management process showed that comply with 4 main components of process management excellence program. However, the results of study in the level of 11 sub-elements found that significant of opportunities for improvement (OFI). The OFI topics of process improvement of contractor management processes consist of 1) establish standard operating procedures and document controlling 2) set up daily operations 3) provide adequate training 4) promote small group activity for quality improving and 5) internal audit to verify process performance.
