The Employees Engagement of Thai Staffs in Japanese Company at Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate Chonburi

  • อัครกิตติ์ พัฒนสัมพันธ์ คณะวิทยาศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา วิทยาเขต สระแก้ว
Keywords: Organizational Engagement, Japanese Company



This research has the purpose of research. To study Creating Organizational Engagement of Thai Employees In Japanese Company Industrial Estate Amata Nakorn Chonburi .This research was a qualitative study by means of in-depth interviews by Semi-Structured Interview. A sample of 15 persons. Human Resources Department consists of Head of Structural and Personnel Development, Head of Personnel Development, Head of Personnel Management, Head of welfare, Head of Legal, Head of Information, head of Administration was randomly selected for the study. Data analyses were performed by making conclusions based on a content analysis and a data comparison.

The results show that the sample can be categorized into Creating Organizational Engagement of Thai Employees In Japanese Company Industrial Estate Amata Nakorn Chonburi for (1)  Leadership aim participative , The leader controls emotional intelligence, The leader conflict management methods , Team leader. (2) Culture Purpose , Japanese culture, Training, Coaching , Mentoring. (3) Work Activity, Job description,Work planning process , Procedure process.  (4) Total Compensation ,Weekly wage or Salary Bonus Welfare. (5) Quality of Life ,Working dimension , Personal life dimension (6) Opportunity, Career path planning (7)  Relationship ,Creating human relations.
