The public services affecting the success of the city municipal

  • ภาณุพงศ์ ศิริ
Keywords: Public Service, Municipality of Thailand


                   This study aimed (1) to study the service delivery of Thai City Municipalities (TCM), (2) to study TCM, winning the gold medal given by Phra Pokhlao Institute in the areas of service transparency, people participation on peace and harmony promotion, building networks among government, private sectors. and society, and (3) to improve and develop a more proper, effective and efficient model of service delivery affecting success of the organization.

                   The findings showed that awareness of good governance among local organizations encouraged and promoted the significance of their service transparency and people participation. According to peace and harmony promotion, it revealed that local organizations monitor, control, and evaluate their operations to be in line with the municipal regulations and laws. For networking among government, private sectors, and society, it was found that cooperation among network members was promoted in order to strengthen the efficiency of planning projects, activities, and administration.

                     The results of municipal service model were as follows:

                     The model of service transparency and people participation consisted of seven dimensions; annual budget planning, driving the prime activity of the municipal’s mission, benefits of participation, budget administration, transparency of budget implementation, operation of budget expenditure by type of statement, and participation on follow-up, monitoring and evaluating the implementation and operation of process.

                      Regarding peace and harmony promotion, the result revealed that the existing model included solving problems and conflicts beginning from community leaders, organizing stage learning to manage conflicts peacefully, establishing a committee to end community conflicts, preparing training programs on reconciliation for government officials, networking and learning to manage conflicts, and establishing community collaboration in conflict management.

                  In the area of building networks among government, private sectors, and society, the findings showed that there was a model to increase networking efficiency, to boost online communication with community, and to monitor network implementation.

                    To achieve the policy goals, such mechanisms to establish vision and mission, to set up strategies to promote good governance were needed. Finally, regarding opinions towards public benefits, it was found that the participative resource management should include community participation in decision-making and evaluation.
