Factors Impinging Upon The Resolution to The Insurgency Problems in Three Southernmost Provinces of Thailand

  • พลอากาศตรี เสนาะ พรรณพิกุล
Keywords: Factors, Insurgency, Three Southernmost Provinces


                  The objectives of this qualitative dissertation are to determine factors impinging upon the resolution to the insurgency problems in three southernmost provinces of Thailand, and to compare things required for each factor with what appear as the real or reality. The data were gathered from documentary, the units involving administrators’ idea and in-depth interview with the key informants by purposive selection. The key informants were selected from groups of solders, police officers, civil officials and group of scholars, local politicians, imams and general people in three southernmost provinces. 

                  It was found from the study that factors impinging upon the resolution to the insurgency problems of the principal units responsible for the matters consisted of, organizational culture, structure and process/ technology, that the real/reality were appropriate and close to what were required. The resources and capabilities were found to be likewise, appropriate to what were expected, there was only a small number of personnel have gone astray and provided that more local dwellers were brought into the ball game of resolving the problems. There existed one more important thing: the policy, strategy/tactic the real situation were still not compatible with what was required. To put it another way, there existed good policy, strategy/ tactics but their implementation were not complete and sufficient. Worse yet were some measures of implementation which were incompatible with the stated policy or strategy. Politicians and units involved did not give enough importance to fully effectively drive the announced policy/strategy/tactic to reality. Moreover there were not evaluate the measures in following up the policy, strategy/tactics.
