Role of Women in Peace Development in the Southernmost Provinces of Thailand

  • สุเนตตา แซ่โก๊ะ RANGSIT UNIVERSITY
Keywords: Role of women, Peace development, Southernmost Provinces of Thailand


               The objectives of this research were to 1) study the role of women in peace development in the southernmost provinces of Thailand 2) study factors that influence the role of women in peace development in the southernmost provinces of Thailand 3) examine the evolution of the role of women in peace development in the southernmost provinces of Thailand.  This study employed the qualitative research methods.  The data were from a review of documents relevant to the role of women in peace development in the southernmost provinces of Thailand, participant observation, and in-depth interview with key informants including scholars, executives, stakeholders, community leaders, activists, and civil society organizations in the southernmost provinces of Thailand.

                The results of the research showed that roles, duties, obligations, and gender relations had an impact on different experiences between men and women, and how they are affected by the conflicts.  Women, the power of women and their habitus were demonstrated to be the real power that bring hope and healing to the women themselves, and may result in a “structuration” which outcomes are peace and peace development in the southernmost provinces of Thailand.  Employing social capital emerging from interaction among groups under crisis and violence helps create network in the society and relationship with external organizations.
