A Study on the Spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Affecting Generation Y and Z's Electronic Payment Behavior in Thailand and the Perception to Step into a Cashless Society

  • จุฑามาศ เข็มเงิน National Institute of Development Administration
Keywords: Coronavirus (Covid 19), Payment Behavior through Payment Systems, Generation Y and Z in Thailand, Cashless Society


The current coronavirus epidemic situation, as a result, people in society need to adjust and change their lifestyle behaviors to survive this situation until it becomes a new norm. Combined with the advancement of technology, it is a factor that encourages people's behavior to change in society amid the coronavirus epidemic situation. Especially Generation Y and Generation Z people have a habit of spending via electronic payment systems instead of using cash. Moreover, it is a group of people who play an important role in bringing Thailand into a cashless society. A society where cash will become less important and will be replaced by computer and telecommunication systems for financial transactions. This research aimed to study the relationship between the coronavirus epidemic affecting Generation Y and Z's electronic payment behavior in Thailand and the perception of becoming a cashless society from the electronic payment behavior of Generation Y and Z in Thailand. This research is survey research from a sample group of Generation Y (1981-1994) and Generation Z (1995-2010) in Thailand using data collection techniques from A convenient survey of 400 samples by creating and submitting questionnaires via online channels. The statistics were used for percentage, mean, standard deviation, puppet variable, and Pearson correlation coefficient. Simple regression and multiple regression in data analysis. The results of the research revealed that the factors in the year of birth and the situational factor of the coronavirus (covid 19) epidemic was statistically correlated with Generation Y and Z's electronic payment behavior at a 0.05 level. The best predictor of the change in spending behavior through the e-payment system of Generation Y and Z is the coronavirus (covid 19) situation factor, which can predict the change in the electronic payment behavior of Generation Y and Z got 28.8%, followed by the birth year factor. Generation Y and Z having e-payment behavior change were predicted by 12.7%. Respectively, generation Y and Z's e-payment behavior (intent to use) was correlated with their stepping into a cashless society with a statistical significance of 0.05, which can explain the variation in entering a cashless society by 2.8 percent.


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