Post-retirement Preparation for an Aging Society: A Case Study of Phitsanulok Municipality

  • รัชกฤช สำมะเณร Rangsit University
  • ธัชกร ธิติลักษณ์, ดร. Rangsit University
Keywords: Aging Society, Preparation, Post-Retirement Preparation, Phitsanulok Municipality


This research aimed to 1) explore the current status and problems of the elderly and preparation for an aging society, 2) investigate factors affecting the preparation, and 3) propose guidelines on the preparation. This mixed methods research focused on Phitsanulok Municipality as a case study. The samples were 400 respondents who were 55-59 years old and lived in the municipal area. An in-depth interview was also conducted with 15 key informants aged 55-59. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results revealed that 1) the current problems were divided into three aspects: physical recession, post-retirement income, and mental health. The major problems were decreases in income, home ownership, and family and social acceptance and support. 2) There were three factors affecting preparation for an aging society: their health and physical fitness, total assets, and housing security. 3) The guidelines for preparing for the internal and external environment. In terms of preparation for the internal environment, the elderly were recommended to realize the importance of a post-retirement life plan. In terms of preparation for the external environment, the research recommended the provision of state welfare to support them after their retirement through projects, e.g., a training program on post-retirement planning organized by local administrative organizations, a housing ownership promotion project, a post-retirement income promotion project, an elderly welfare support project, and a physical and mental health promotion project in collaboration with elderly community clubs. All of those projects should be financed by related ministries.


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