Guidelines for Implementing Security House Policy in the Rim Khlong Community Bangkok

  • ฐิตพล น้อยจาด มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลรัตนโกสินทร์
Keywords: Public Policy, Implement of the Policy, Rim Khlong Community, Bann ManKong, Stable House, Bangkok


This study is guidelines for implementing the Security House Policy in the Rim Khlong Community Bangkok and defines the research scope for specific areas of Stable home projects in a community area on the edge of Khlong Lat Phrao Bangkok only with a qualitative research methodology. There are three objectives as follows 1) to study the problem of implementing the Home Security Policy in the canal community area. Bangkok 2) to study the factors affecting the implementation of the Home Security Policy in the community area along the canal 3) to study the guidelines for implementing the Home Security Policy in the canal community area of Bangkok. The results showed that “The project of stable houses, communities along the canal Bangkok” was an important public policy created to solve public problems that affected people in Bangkok, such as slum problems, flood problems, and wastewater problems. Community Organization Development Institute was the main unit in the project implementation. The experience from similar projects that have been undertaken was used as a guideline for implementation. Focusing on the participation of people in the community, it is considered a public policy that contributes to sustainable housing development. Because a project could help canal poachers get new housing right at a price suitable for low-income earners. However, in implementing the policy, some projects were successful, and some were not.


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