Guideline Framework of Information Technology Security System by ISO 27001: 2013 Standard of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

  • ชนกานต์ อาภรณ์พงษ์ Master of Science in Information Technology, Rangsit University
  • บัวเรียน สูงพล Rangsit University
Keywords: Information Technology System, Information Technology Security, ISO 27001 standard


This research compared the Information Technology System Implementation Guideline of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with ISO 27001: 2013 Standard because Information Technology nowadays comes into the capital market sector, and there is a digital database that can cause damage in the event of a data leak. The objectives of the research are: (1) To enable organizations in the capital market sector or the stock market to achieve operational efficiency, maintain, improve, and continually develop a security management system for information technology; (2) To ensure that the Information Technology System Implementation Guideline of SEC can guide organization or agencies in the capital market; (3) To support organization management in the Information Technology System. The research prepared a satisfaction assessment form comparing the Information Technology System Implementation Guideline of SEC with ISO 27001 standard for ten respondents from information technology security and safety-related personnel. It was found that the results were generally at a high level of satisfaction, with an average score of 4.40 and a standard deviation of 0.457, which is consistent with the content analysis of information that can improve additional content to meet the ISO 27001 standard better.


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