The Factors Influencing to Accidents of Construction Cranes

  • สายัณต์ ฉิมประดิษฐ Ramkhamhaeng University
  • วรานนท์ คงสง, ผศ.ดร. Ramkhamhaeng University
  • ชัยวัฒน์ ภู่วรกุลชัย, ดร. Ramkhamhaeng University
Keywords: Accidents, Cranes, Construction, Crane Operations


This research aims to examine contributing factors affecting accidents when operating cranes. This qualitative research methodology-based study selects documents, textbooks, books, articles, and related research papers to be analyzed and synthesized in a descriptive research manner. Five contributing factors that can lead to accidents during crane operations were revealed. These factors are: 1) The human element: controllers lacking the basic knowledge of how to appropriately operate cranes is the main factor attributed to crane operation accidents. 2) The structural factors relating to the crane's base can lead to accidents. This can occur when the base is not strong enough, the base is poorly maintained, the base is corroded and damaged, leading to the base not being structurally sound, and the crane operators fail to check the condition of the base prior to operating the crane. 3) The machinery element: wear and tear on lifting gears, faulty and broken lifting gears lead to accidents, especially when they are operated by workers who are inexperienced in using the gears correctly. 4) The lifting capacity performance factor from using the cranes above their lifting load limits. Using the cranes without a cut-off safety system when the machine is lifting objects above the load capacity. 5) The environmental issues are resulting in unsafe conditions for crane operations. These issues include inadequate lighting levels and physical obstructions in the immediate area, which can lead to the operator's inability to see properly. High winds and close proximity to overhead electrical cables are other environmental factors that can lead to unsafe conditions. The data analysis shows the human element is the main factor in crane accidents. This includes issues of negligence, a lack of knowledge, and a lack of understanding of the laws relating to crane operating safety rules.


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