Comparative of Operational Approaches to Mobilization towards Making Cultural Heritage to be World Heritage

  • ปราณี จุลภักดิ์ Rangsit University
  • สมบูรณ์ สุขสำราญ Rangsit University
  • เอนก เหล่าธรรมทัศน์ Rangsit University


This research aimed to study the Comparative Operational Approaches to Mobilization towards Making Cultural Heritage World Heritage as part of the mobilization towards making Wat Phra Mahathat Worramahawihan, Nakhon Si Thammarat the world heritage. This study aimed to compare operational mobilization approaches toward making cultural heritage in Thailand and foreign countries a world heritage. This research is qualitative. This research uses literature review documents and related research both domestically and internationally, as well as in-depth interviews; there are three primary informants. The research showed the comparative operational mobilization approaches towards making cultural heritage in Thailand and foreign countries' world heritage. Some issues are similar and different. A similar problem is the existence of a heritage management plan, clearly defining and allocating utilization in core zones and buffer zones, law enforcement, and a collaboration between the public sector, the private sector, and the public sector. The different issues are that world heritage in foreign countries have buildings and sculptures intact and are well taken care of by the people, government, and related parties and UNESCO with the emphasis on creating correct knowledge and understanding for the people, leading to participation in the conservation of world heritage. As for world heritage sites in Thailand, people still need proper knowledge and understanding of the conservation and development of heritage sites. Inconsistent attitudes between the government and the public sector make people feel they do not own the heritage site.


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