Marketing Mix and Service Quality Affecting the Decision to Purchase Products through the Shopee and Lazada E-commerce Marketplaces among Consumers in Bangkok

  • กฤติยา แสงเปี่ยง Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • สลิตตา สาริบุตร, ผศ.ดร. Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
Keywords: marketing mix, service quality, e-commerce marketplace


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the level of marketing mix factors, service quality level, and the level of consumers' decisions to buy products through the Shopee and Lazada e-commerce marketplaces; 2) to examine the influence of marketing mix factors and service quality factors on consumers' decisions to buy products through the Shopee and Lazada e-commerce marketplaces; and The sample group used in the study were 384 people located in Bangkok who had used the Shopee and Lazada e-commerce marketplaces. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The study results revealed that the marketing mix factors of Shopee and Lazada were at a high level, the service quality level of Shopee and Lazada was at a high level, and the level of consumers' decisions to buy products through the Shopee and Lazada e-commerce marketplaces was at a high level. Moreover, hypothesis testing revealed that price and privacy were the elements of marketing mix factors that influenced consumers' decisions to buy products through the Shopee e-commerce marketplace. In contrast, the elements of marketing mix factors that influenced consumers' decisions to buy products through the Lazada e-commerce marketplace were promotion, product, price, and privacy. In addition, it was found that tangibles and empathy were the dimensions of service quality factors that influenced the decision to buy products through the Shopee and Lazada e-commerce marketplaces.


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