The Impact of Customer Experience and Attribute Selection on Brand Loyalty of Music Streaming Providers: Case Study of Spotify Premium Millennial Users in The Bangkok Region

  • ปัทมา จิตรสวัสดิ์ Rangsit University
  • วรพจน์ ศิริชาลีชัย, ดร. Rangsit University
Keywords: Customer Experience, Attribute Selection, Brand Loyalty, Premium User, Service Provider under ‘Spotify’ Brand


The objectives of this study were as follows: 1) to examine variations in demographic factors that influence the loyalty of millennial customers towards Spotify premium membership in Bangkok and its municipalities; 2) to investigate the behavioral factors that shape the loyalty of millennial customers towards becoming Spotify premium members in Bangkok and its municipalities; and 3) to investigate the attitudes and behaviors of customers that are associated with loyalty towards being a Spotify premium member in Bangkok and its municipalities. The present study selected a specific and targeted sample using a technique of purposive sampling. This sample's exact number of participants is unknown, and statistical software was used to conduct the analysis. The findings of this study suggest that demographic characteristics have no significant effect on Attitude Loyalty and Behavioral Loyalty toward Spotify membership among Bangkok and its municipalities residents. Experience-related variables are significantly associated with Attitude Loyalty and Behavioral Loyalty toward Spotify membership in Bangkok and neighboring municipalities. The variables pertaining to alternative attributes have a significant relationship with Attitude Loyalty and Behavioral Loyalty toward Spotify membership in Bangkok and the surrounding municipalities.


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