The Role of a Mediator in Helping Mediate Family Problems in Family Cases to Create a Network of Partners to Develop a Mediation Process System

  • วิจิตรา นาไชยเวศน์ Silpakorn University
  • ศิริรัตน์ ชูสกุลเกรียง, ดร. Silpakorn University
Keywords: Mediation Process, Family Problems, Family Cases, Juvenile and Family Courts


The research considers the challenges and obstacles of family reconciliation in family cases. The findings can be used as a guideline for enhancing the efficiency and development of reconciliation work in the Juvenile and Family Court and creating partnership networks to develop working systems in the mediation process. This study can be accomplished by combining personnel in the various organizations. This research is based on qualitative research methodologies with data gathered through project preparation, documentary research, in-depth interviews with predetermined questions, and cross-sectional interviews. The results show that the problems and obstacles in the process of reconciliation of family disputes in family cases are derived from two main factors, which are (1) the law, rules, and regulations and (2) personal circumstances. Consequently, both factors allow us to be aware of the target groups that should be supported and guided along the development of the mediation process in family cases. The research identifies the 4 key person groups who are significant for the success, which are (1) mediators, (2) families, (3) lawyers, and (4) people. The findings recommend the establishment of collaborative partnerships through these 4 groups as a key success in developing a mediation process and building cooperation among personnel within the organizations. Finally, the research proposes building a community network, which results directly in developing a mediation process in juvenile and family court organizations and other courts to function more effectively.


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