Applying a Creative Process Approach to Incorporate Contemporary Public Relations into Herb Products

  • กาญจนา ผลาผล, ผศ. มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลตะวันออก วิทยาเขตจันทบุรี
  • ปราโมทย์ ถวิลรักษ์, ผศ. มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลตะวันออก วิทยาเขตจันทบุรี
  • มีนนภา รักษ์หิรัญ, ผศ. ดร. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok, Chanthaburi Campus
Keywords: Creative Digital Content, Community Enterprise, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Startup


Nowadays, the growing recognition of digital marketing and creative content is one of the principles to create business values for modern business strategies involving herbal community enterprise. While digital marketing practices have been extensively studied in traditional business settings, there is limited research on how small businesses like Poomjai Anong Community Enterprise can effectively improve their creative digital content and leverage digital platforms to enhance their visibility, engage their target customers, and achieve sustainable growth. This research aims to synthesize and enhance modern communication strategies using the conceptual framework of the creative digital content development. This study focuses on a creative process-oriented approach to revitalize advertising innovations for local network and community identity. The practical training was performed to explore creative digital content creators for ten partners of the business. The results have found that the overview of satisfaction of increasing entrepreneurial knowledge affects the business’s benefits and sustainability at the highest level, with an average of 4.51. The research training helps the participants to develop a more effective content strategy for the business, with the highest average of 5.00, at an outstanding level. By conducting research and implementing innovative communication strategies, the research contributions are to support the sustainable growth and success of Bhumjai Anong Herbal Community Enterprise, and extend the progress of the community in the new business and commerce era.


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