Identity of Thai Wisdom Teachers Dominated by Educational Authority: A Case study of Weaving Craft Industry in Isarn Area Thailand
This dissertation is a study of social phenomena and details of the phenomenon of the establishing of the local philosopher to Thai wisdom teachers to transfer knowledge of the school system through the local curriculum. The objectives were to analyze the process of integrating local wisdom into the education system, and to study and criticize the identity of Thai wisdom teachers under the domination of the educational system, to lead to policy recommendations for the development of integrating local wisdom into appropriate education system and to guide the development of praising Thai wisdom teachers in the management of local learning for better results.
The results of this study indicated that integrating wisdom into learning management in school system education is the reduction of intellectual knowledge and the identity of the Thai wisdom teacher to dissolve or change into another standard system of education in the school system but it is another view of acceptance of similar standard system of education. It is an action that reflects the ingenuity of the power that comes into being at the level of thought and belief of the Thai wisdom teacher. This power has been made to be attractive and followed even teachers of Thai wisdom cannot feel or touch the dominance of this power. Therefore, those involved in the education system may have to consider the differences and consider the reality of the feasibility and appropriateness of learning the wisdom in the school system. This included consideration of relevant factors such as the ideology of education in the school system, ideology of learning wisdom from the transmission of ancestry, values of society towards the present study, values for social acceptance as educated in the system, and social status from a career.