Consumer Service Usage Behavior and Marketing Mix Elements from the Customer Perspective (7Cs) Affecting the Decision to Use Barbershop Services in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area and Its Suburbs

  • อนุสรณ์ เค้าทอง Rangsit University
  • พัชร์หทัย จารุทวีผลนุกูล Rangsit University
Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Marketing Mix Elements from the Customer Perspectives (7Cs), Barbershop Services


This study examined the demographic factors, consumer service usage behavior, and marketing mix elements from the customers' perspective, influencing the decision to utilize barbershop services in the Bangkok metropolitan area and its surrounding suburbs. The population comprises individuals who have previously utilized barbershop services. Data was collected from a sample group of 400 individuals using a non-probability, purposive sampling method. Data analysis encompasses using descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, and inferential statistics, such as one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression analysis. The study found that most participants were males, between the ages of 31 and 40, unmarried, with bachelor's degrees, working in the private sector, and earning an average monthly income of 15,001-30,000 Baht. Most customers opted for haircut services, with an average spending range of 101-200 Baht. They mainly utilize these services to improve their physical appearance and self-assurance. The service is used monthly, usually between 12:01 and 16:00, with each session lasting 31 to 60 minutes. Crucially, the choice to utilize these services was primarily autonomous. The hypothesis testing revealed that demographic factors, including gender, consumer service usage behavior, and varying service expenditures, statistically significantly impacted the decision to utilize barbershop services. This effect was observed at a significance level of 0.05. Customers' perception of the marketing mix elements (7Cs), such as customer value, cost to customer, communication, and caring, are significantly related to their decision to use barbershop services in the Bangkok metropolitan area and its suburbs. This relationship is statistically significant at a significance level of 0.05.


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