• นุสรา จันทาพูน Rangsit University
  • คณิตศร เทอดเผ่าพงศ์ Rangsit University
Keywords: Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Shareholding Ratio


This study’s main objective is to study the relationship between the characteristics of the chief executive officers and the performance of companies listed on the MAI Stock Exchange. Data on the characteristics of both chief executive officers and executive board members, including the shareholding proportion are used in this study. The data includes information regarding characteristics and shareholding proportion in the companies from the Info Director Management Report in Report 56-1 for the year 2019-2020, a total of 176 firm-year observations. The study employs a multiple regression analysis. The dependent variables of the study are return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). The characteristics of the CEO are gender, age, education, experience in the current position, experience in the field, duo position, field of study, family business, and shareholding proportion. The results of this study found that only three variables presenting the significance to the dependent variables. The shareholding proportion variable (positive impact) and family business variable (negative impact) present the statistical significance to both ROA and ROE, while only duo position variable presents the positively statistical significance to ROE. It can conclude that proportion of shareholders of the CEO and duo position of the CEO are positively impact or influence the changes of ROA and/or ROE. Being a family business does negatively impact or influence the changes of both ROA and ROE of the MAI listed companies.  



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