Marketing Mix 4Es Affecting the Adaptation to Survive in the Crisis of Small Hotel Businesses in the Country

  • ณฐพงศ์ สุขประเสริฐ Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Thailand
  • ชาคริต ศรีทอง Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Thailand
  • ศักดิ์ชาย นาคนก Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Thailand
Keywords: Marketing Mix, 4Es, the Adaptation to Survive, Small Hotel Businesses


This research aims to study the modern marketing mix (4Es) that affects adaptation to survive the crisis of small hotel businesses in Thailand. Use qualitative research methodology by studying relevant documents and research and in-depth personal interviews. The informants were four small hotel business operators in Thailand, four representatives from government agencies and private sectors involved in tourism, and one academician, totaling nine people. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. The accuracy of the data was checked using the data triangulation method. The modern marketing mix (4Es) that affects the adaptation to survive in the crisis of small hotel businesses in Thailand consists of creating a good experience in every place), exchange, and evangelism. The research recommendations are as follows: 1) experience: Entrepreneurs should create a positive customer experience by adding the identity and hygiene amenities of the hotel as key elements of customer proposition; 2) everyplace: entrepreneurs should create online awareness. This suggestion is the best way to reach target customers today; 3) exchange: Entrepreneurs should create value in the minds of customers to respond to the price and total expenses that customers have to pay, such as encouraging employees to have training in various skills, including exemplary service skills or service that creates expectations for customers to feel that it is worthwhile and 4) evangelism: entrepreneurs should provide close customer service and friendly to make customers satisfied until customers say the word of mouth or reviews on social media.


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