The Important Factors Affecting the Fresh Vegetable Distribution Business. A Case Study of V-Fresh Delivery Business Entrepreneur

  • ศุภสิริ กือเย็น Rangsit University
  • บวรวิทย์ โรจน์สุวรรณ Rangsit University
Keywords: Fresh Vegetable, Distribution, Restaurant, Market, Business Owner


This study aim to research the important factors affecting the fresh vegetable distribution business. Due to the Covid-19 situation, people’s lifestyles have changed to the new normal era, causing online business to grow rapidly. In the early stages of the Covid-19 outbreak, restaurants were severely affected. But when there is a delivery platform, restaurant can adapt to the situation that arises. Nowadays, buying vegetables no longer requires going to the market, can be purchased through online channels as well. The researcher therefore conducted a study. The case study is V-Fresh Delivery business is one of the service providers who deliver fresh vegetables to restaurants. The object of this study were the first, to study important factors affecting restaurant business owner’s decision in selecting services from V-Fresh Delivery business entrepreneur and the second, to study the relationship between demographic factors and factors affecting the fresh vegetable distribution business of V-Fresh Delivery business entrepreneur. The researcher collected data by interviews and online questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze the data include descriptive statistics such as percentages, means, and standard deviations and inferential statistics such as one-way analysis of variance and the simple Pearson’s correlation coefficient chi-square statistics. The result showed the first, personal characteristics in term of gender, age, education level, average monthly income, and business experience were no differences in relationships within the distribution of fresh vegetable factors and the second, the information technology factor was related to personal factors more than other factors in the distribution of fresh vegetables with statistical significance at the 0.05 level.
