The Development of Dermatoglyphics Analyst Training Program
Dermatoglyphics Analyst Training Program, Dermatoglyphics analysis, Dermatoglyphics Analyst
The main objectives of studying on Development of Dermatoglyphics Analyst Training Program are to develop the training course, training experiment and training achievement evaluation. According to the study, there have been showed on four development areas which are 1) dermatoglyphics studies 2) dermatoglyphics analysis studies 3) fingerprint scanning studies and 4) dermatoglyphics report analysis studies.
After applying on course experiment, there have been found on
- Reaction evaluation of participants on course satisfaction have been ranked on highest level which divided into (1) trainers’ preparation (4.9 points) (2) the instruction abilities of trainers (4.7 points) (3) training location (4.6 points) (4) meals (4.6 points).
- Learning evaluation which has been appraised by pre-knowledge testing and post-knowledge testing. The overall result significantly raised by the end of training course.
- Behavior evaluation which evaluated by the abilities of participants before attending the training course is quite low, however; after the training course, there are three participants pass the all the criteria of evaluation while there are still seven participants left.
- Result evaluation which assessed the improvement on participants’ abilities after the training course resulted that three people is ready for being dermatoglyphics analysts within six months which faster than the one-year training planned, furthermore, it helps in terms of budget controlling
There are four problems found in training course experiment as the following
- The date of training on weekend affected on full time staff
- The diversity of participants including their previous knowledge affected to learning behavior
- The concise on training material
- The requirement on participants selection
Suggestion on next study
- Appropriate timeline of training planned
- The requirement on participants need to be aligned with being dermatoglyphics analysts
- Appropriate training materials