Strategic Human Resources Management for the Moveable Construction Creation and Development in Bangkok Metropolitan Areas

  • อนันตสิทธิ์ กิตติฤดีกุล มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี
Keywords: Strategic Management, Human Resources


                  This research is park of the qualitative research using sample groups selected from a population of enperiend engineering employees and admimitrators engaged in the construction of moveble food restaurants in Bangkok Metropolitan Areas via an indepth of 20 informants from the above ground including an advice from the experts in the fields of engineering demography and other social sciences.

                   Because strategic human resoources management topic on movable construction creation and development of food restaurant is multifaceted, resulting from race, culture, religion, food, clothing and language which the administrators have to encounter later on to which public Administration refers as not so good human dehavior that one has to prevent it from occurring. Thesefose this reseach has to study human behavior engineering. Besides, there is a lot more of influences impinging upon the management of complex human resources, including money, man, material/equipment and many offers which should be a matter of our concern.

                 The conceptual fame work and methodology used in this research is to compase the contexts of public and private sectors in terms of management of the construction strategies of the buplic sector and the premium system of the private one whether or not they are similar to or different from each other and the insight gained from this research will benefit both human resources management and construction strategies in the private sector within and without Thailand, at lease in the AEC countries resulting in construction innovation in the years to come
