Business Discourse of Advanced info Service Public Company Limited

  • ธเนษฐ เศรษฐาวาณิช 0616492824
Keywords: Keywords: Discourse, Business discourse, Practical Business Discourse


The research aims to study the business discourse of NBTC and analyze the business discourse and discursive business discourse of AIS uses quality research methodology. Please refer to the relevant documents and depth interviews, group of informants from the NBTC board including manager level and consumers who use the network services of AIS.

The study found that: 1. The process of creating or producing a discourse. It is a result of history, vision, mission and business goals, strategy in business competition through the positive view is that the NBTC is an independent state organization. The frequency allocation is exclusive. It has the authority to allocate spectrum by auction and AIS is the number one mobile network operator; 2. Text Analysis found that the texts were produced in positive and negative languages. Compare the behavior of all contributors and create a positive and negative meaningful discourse; and 3. The social, cultural, and ethical disciplines of the discourse. I have been working on a set of beliefs and three perspectives are the view of society, the view of contributors, and the government has a consistent view that the NBTC is an autonomous governmental organization that does business without interest to the public. Authority to allocate domestic spectrum through the auction.

The business management of NBTC and AIS should start from the idea and social norms in terms of spectrum allocation, mobile network services, and the Internet. Respect for services provided by both agencies under ethical conduct. Not to rush to judge and condone certain behaviors or groups that will lead to the production of negative discourse and the changing social and cultural practices of the NBTC and AIS business discourse.
