Social Innovation Learning the Playground creates Intelligence

  • ณัฐชานันท์ โชตินิรันตนานุกูล 061-4483898
Keywords: Keywords: innovation, society, learning, playground, building intelligence.



               This research is aimed   to learn  the importance of the playground  creates intelligenceand tell the role of the playground  create intelligence .Conduct  research by studying documents to collect and create a database for research. Choose a field to collect data in the central and eastern regions. Because of the preliminary research (pre-research) which provides answers and useful information that the playground creates intelligence in such areas will be able to represent the theoretical sampling which will answer the desired problem. And the size of the field to study, it has the right size to store data by introducing and collecting data by myself  using observation methods  record and observation record and field - note consists of 1) school administrators 2) teachers 3) students 4) parents 5) community administrators 6) government agencies 7) people in the community 8 ) A group of founders who build intelligence playgrounds and 9) educational administration experts, a total of 30 people, collect data by in-depth interview method and analyze data. The research found that   playground creates intelligence, can enhance physical development, intelligence, mind, morality and ethics for children. It is a new innovation that uses the mind as a learning base that is suitable for use with children during early childhood levels. But if getting better results must use learning by using both  the brain  base learning, and mind  base learning  and will create a new theory, namely learning by using the brain and mind as a base (BMBL) Keywords: innovation, society, learning, playground, building intelligence.  


