Political communication and the role of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in using social media to develop democracy in Thailand during the period 2008-2015

  • เมธินี เทพมณี Office of the Civil Service Commission
Keywords: political communication, Computer-Related Crime Act B.E. 2550, social media


This research aims to study political communication on the internet network, as well as the role of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in the use of social media during the period 2008-2015 that affects Thailand's democratic development.

Finding in that time, the use of social media will be subject to the Computer Crime Act BE 2550 (2007). The enforcement of such laws remains ambiguous and unclear in the issue of granting state officials too much and also shows that Law enforcement has reduced the rights and freedom of expression through online media. Which does not conform to the guidelines of democracy about freedom in expressing people's ideas and since the change of government on 24 June 1932, the democracy of Thailand is still not a complete democracy, still only half the democracy Inference with the role of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, which is the main agency for monitoring the social media of the country, can be controlled by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology about social media in a time period 2008-2015, the rights and freedom of social media use of Thai people are not yet clear that they are as perfect as they should be. The regulatory role of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology cannot be achieved at full capacity. The researcher called this incident "Half social media", but the development of a full social media takes time and opportunity in which democratic systems and cultures will grow and evolve forward.
