The Decision to Study in the Master of Business Administration Program by Special Program Students at Ramkhamhaeng University

  • วิไลพรรณ ตาริชกุล
  • ประไพทิพย์ ลือพงษ์
Keywords: Decision-making, Decision to study


                   The study aimed 1) to investigate the student’s decision to study in the Master Degree Program in Business Administration (Special Program) at Ramkhamhaeng University, and 2) to study the reasons justifying their decision to study in the program classified by demographic factors. The data were collected from the sampling group of 325 students, drawn from the total 1,735 students in the program through Taro Yamane (1967) sampling size technique, with 5% statistical error. The subject group was simply randomized from the population. The data were analyzed using t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). In cases in which differences were found at the statistically significant level of .05, the researcher utilized the least significant difference (LSD) method.

                    The results showed that the levels of decision making were found to be high. The subjects perceived the factor of costs (tuition fees) at the highest level. Second to the costs was the factor of occupation.  The students with demographic differences in terms of gender, age, occupation, income, and field of study shared no difference of decision making. When each particular aspect was considered, however, it was found that those with different income exhibited parallel differences in the decision to study in the aspect of occupation at the statistically significant level of 0.05. Then after applying the LSD multiple comparison method, results showed that the students whose monthly incomes were between 15,001 and 30,000 baht and those whose monthly incomes were greater than 45,000 baht exhibited corresponding differences in the decision to study in the Special Program in the aspect of occupation at the statistically significant level of 0.05.
