Factors Affecting The Choice not to Installing Propane Auto Gas on The Vehicle of The People in Chanthaburi

  • ทัศนีย์ พิมลภาพ
  • บุญสม เกษะประดิษฐ์
Keywords: Factors affecting the decision, Gas in the car, NGV, LPG.


                   This independent research aimed to study the factors affecting the choice of Chanthaburi residents on not installing propane auto gas in their vehicles. The purpose of the study was to find factors that influenced the decisions not to install gas in the cars. Study the demographics and consumer behavior of those who chose not to install gas on their cars. The cognitive basics of installing gas in the vehicles.400 samples were taken from Chanthaburi residents on their decision to not install gas in their cars. The study used interviews, questionnaires which analyzed using descriptive statistics and frequencies, percentages, averages and using the chi-square test.

                   The study results showed that the respondents were mainly married females with an age range of 36-45.  A number of family with 2-5 members, mainly career employee hired in private companies. In general, mainly their monthly revenues lower than 15000 baht. Participants mainly used pick-up trucks and did not want to install gas due to safety hazards. They drive 10-50 kms. daily. The basic knowledge and understanding about the gas system is 62.70 percent. The personal factors of people who decided not to install a gas system is to focus on the safety factor. From the studies concluded that personal factors were different. Their behavior using different cars caused the decision were not different. Knowledge and understanding of the gas system of individual cars did not result in the decisions and were not different.
