The Influence of Marketing Mix Factors on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Insurance Purchase Decision Process in Bangkok

  • พิทยุตม์ โตขำ Ramkhamhaeng University
  • วิไลวรรณ ทองประยูร, รศ. Ramkhamhaeng University
  • วิไลพรรณ ตาริชกุล, ผศ.ดร. Ramkhamhaeng University
Keywords: Marketing Mix, Purchase Decision Process, COVID-19 Insurance Purchase Decision


This paper provides the level of opinion on the marketing mix and purchase decision process on coronavirus (COVID-19) insurance factors. These include studying the influence of marketing mix factors on the COVID-19 insurance purchase decision process in Bangkok. Due to the unknown population, the sample size was determined using the Cochran (1977) formula with a confidence interval of +/-5% tolerance required to survey 384 people. Quota samples are taken from each group to meet a quota. A questionnaire is an instrument for collecting data. The authors used the statistical mean, an average with standard deviation, and multiple regression statistics for data analysis. The research findings are as follows: several studies have shown that clients strongly support an opinion in the context of marketing mix factors. At the same time, price perception is the most expressed opinion supporting their idea and the strongest opinion supporting the alternative of the insurance purchase decision factor in the context of the COVID-19 insurance purchase decision factor. The results of multiple regression analysis revealed product, price, place, promotion mix, and physical evidence predicted COVID-19 insurance purchase decisions in Bangkok with a multiple correlation coefficient (R) of 0.810. The relationship 65.6% Durbin-Watson is 1.844, indicating that the independent variable has no autocorrelation. The findings will provide information for insurance companies who should focus on and realize a product in the context of marketing mix factors as their first priority.


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