The Digital Marketing and Marketing Performance under The Lean Concept of Digital Service Startup Entrepreneur in Bangkok

  • อังคาร คะชาวังศรี คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎพระนคร
Keywords: Digital Marketing Strategy, Marketing Performance, Lean, Service Providers of Digital Startups


The purpose of this study was to survey data on marketing operations under the Lean concept of digital start-up service providers in the Bangkok area, to analyze the causal relationship path that influences the marketing performance of service start-ups under the concept of Lean, and to analyze the service startup business model for service start-ups under the concept of Lean. which is a qualitative research and a quantitative research by collecting data from a group of 15 operators, positions, executives or supervisors in digital service startup businesses, including collecting data via online questionnaires from target customers of service startup businesses living in Bangkok, 400 people. The results obtained from the qualitative analysis of research data revealed that the lean work process It is a work process that is very suitable for the current situation. For the quantitative research, it was found that the factor of listening to customer demands Customer Relationship Management Factors And digital marketing strategy factors have a direct influence on the marketing performance of service start-ups under the concept of Lean at a statistically significant level of 0.01 and 0.05. From the analysis of service startup business models, it was found that the value delivered to customers is service excellence. and channels to reach the target customers of business operators, including digital marketing strategies. The core business resources consist of executives and teams, as well as the main activities that help drive the business, including adjusting the working culture and attitudes of everyone in the organization to be in line with working lean. communication within the team always self-improvement cross-functional team work the need to seek ways to create new customers. Creating agile marketing campaigns quick turnaround and service delivery. For partners or partners, consisting of partners, which are restaurant business operators tourist attraction Business operators produce and sell souvenirs, business partners.


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