The Performance Development of Procurement Unit A Case Study: The Procurement Unit of The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC)

  • อัจฉราภรณ์ ทวีสิน
Keywords: The Effective of Working, Procurement


This report studies six factors that contribute to effective working in the procurement department.  First, effective and safety work environment by providing adequate tools, appliances or equipment in various functions. Second, fair evaluation of employee performance, promotion, and remuneration. Third, teamwork and trust from supervisors and colleagues. Fourth, opportunity to showcase their work. Fifth, communication among the team. And finally, training and broadening experience through seminars and further study both within the country (BAAC scholarship) and aboard.

This study applies both quantitative and qualitative methods. The first one comes from responses from 51 surveys sent to [employees in the procurement office] and the qualitative analysis reflects interviews of two executive officers to verify the results from the survey and seek solutions to promote better work environment at the procurement office.

Our study finds that both executive officers and operating officers had high satisfaction with all factors at the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) provided. Some officers suggested that there is room for improvement such as promoting fairer performance evaluation and addressing noise concern in the workplace. To this end, this study offers solution to the latter problem by asking everyone at the office to lower their voice when they talk among each other.

Business Administration and Management Articles