The Impact of Market Orientation and Environments Factor on Start-Up’S Performance in Thailand

  • วิภาดา ยานุ
  • ศักดิพล เจือศรีกุล
Keywords: Start-up, Market Orientation, Performance, Environment


The objectives of this study are 1) to investigate market orientation and the components of market orientation, including market intelligence generation, market intelligence dissemination, and market responsiveness, effecting on start-up performance in Thailand, and 2) to study environmental factors, including market turbulence, competitive intensity, and technological turbulence, moderating on the relationship between market orientation and start-up performance. To doing so, researchers conducted mixed method both qualitative and quantitative study then using multiple regression and logistic regression to analyze the data.

The results shown that market orientation statistically significance affects start-up performance in term of growth rate, fund raising, profitability, and productivity.However, the component of market orientation that plays a critical role that statistically significance effects to the start-up performance is  market intelligence dissemination while market intelligence generation and market responsiveness don’t statistically significance affect to the start-up performance. Furthermore, market turbulence statistically significance accelerates the relationship between market orientation and start-up performance.

Business Administration and Management Articles