Guidelines for rehabilitation of the Sri Nara Customer Cremation Association

  • ภูษณิศา ภูมิบ่อพลับ
  • สุทธาวรรณ ซาโต้
Keywords: Cremation Association, BAAC customers


Sri Nara Customer Cremation Association was established to aid deceased member’s relatives with funds to help with their loss. Recently, they have encountered a decrease in membership number and failure to deposit.     I would like to find ways to maintain the existing membership base, increase the number of new members, and ways to allow customers to keep depositing. There are two ways to collect data. First, collect data by sending questionnaire forms to sample groups, divided into 2 groups: 150 existing members and 150 non-member who have a BAAC account, and use quantitative data analysis such as Frequency Distribution, Mean and Percentage. Second, collect feedback from 34 people divided into 3 groups: Board members and officers, BAAC staff, and BAAC executives in Narathiwat Province. In this case, we used qualitative data analysis. Analyzing conclusion-based data found that members lack understanding of the benefits of membership which results in a negative attitude towards the association credibility. When the family of the deceased member receives less funds than expected, that results in losing potential customers. I have chosen to set up a brainstorming session in order to create an understanding of roles, responsibilities, and the importance that BAAC has, to help oversee the operations of the association to ensure stability and maintain a good image in creating a welfare for BAAC customers and expanding the bank's deposit base.

Business Administration and Management Articles