Important Factor towards Selection Transportation Service: Case Study of SC Group Company Limited

  • เกรียงศักดิ์ ทองสุข
  • วิชญุตร์ ทิมาบุตร
  • เอกนารี ทุมพล
Keywords: Import Factors, Related, Decision Making, Seafreight


The purposes of this study were 1) to study the important factors towards transportation service selection: A Case Study of SC Group Company Limited, and 2) to compare the important factors toward transportation service selection, classified by organizational factors. The population consisted of 50 agents of client companies who use transportation services with SC Group Company Limited. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire with an Index of item-objective congruence (IOC) between 0.67-1.00 and the overall reliability of 0.95. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the hypothesis testing by mean comparison table.

The results were as follows: The important factors toward transportation service selection: A Case Study of SC Group Company Limited, overall, the importance of the service selection was at a high level. The most important aspect was Transportation cost, followed by Reliability, Time, Freight capacity, Service frequency, and Security respectively. The hypothesis testing found that the agents of client companies who were different business type, business size, and business duration prioritized to select transportation service of SC Group Company Limited, overall, it was not different.

Business Administration and Management Articles