The Relationship Between The Management Process and Warehouse Operations of JPK Cold Storage Company Limited

  • นาตยา ศรีถาการ
  • อนุชาติ บุนนาค
Keywords: Warehouse, Operation, Logistics


The objective of this study is to study the warehouse management process of JPK Cold Storage Co., Ltd. to study the warehouse operation of JPK Cold Storage Co., Ltd. and to find the relationship between the management process and Warehouse operations of JPK Cold Storage Co., Ltd. The sample group is 108 employees of JPK Cold Storage Co., Ltd. related to warehouse operations, by specifying the size of the samples in the table. Krejcie and Morgan and Stratified Random Sampling were used to collect data as a questionnaire with a consistency index (IOC) between 0.67 - 1.00 and the whole confidence was 0.97. Used to analyze data such as percentage, average, standard deviation Pearson's correlation coefficient.

Business Administration and Management Articles