The Development of School to Innovation Organization: A Case Study of Vibhavadi Academic Group under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2

  • จักภัทสรัณย์ ไตรรัตน์
  • สิรินธร สินจินดาวงศ์
Keywords: Organization, School Development, Innovation Organization


The Objectives of this research were to study trends and directions for school development at Vibhavadi Academic Group through Innovation Organization. This research was used Qualitative Research. Key informants were used administrators and vice administrators in school at Vibhavadi Academic under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 including  Rittiyawannalai School, Donmuang Thaharnagardbumroong School, Donmuang Chaturachinda School, Seekan (Wattananunuppathum) School, Rittiyawannalai 2 School, 2 administrators from each school and the total is 10 administrators, and collecting data was used Semi-Structure Interview.

The results of research found that the organization has the trends and directions for school development at Vibhavadi Academic Group through Innovation Organization as follows: administrators determine vision innovation of organization, support to create innovations,  educate all staff to have good attitude of innovations, set up creativity team building, always find new knowledge,  love to work as a team and share knowledge together, apply the innovations for improving weakness point and develop strength point of organizations, and the administrators should motivate staff by using the innovations, and rewards  and admire the success practice persons.

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