A Study of Conflict Causes and Conflict Managements of Primary School Administrators under Uttaradit Primary Education Office Area 1

  • สกลกริต วรรณสวาท
  • ณิรดา เวชญาลักษณ์
Keywords: Causes of Conflict, Guideline of Conflict Management, Personal Element, Office Interaction, Office Element


This research aimed to study the Causes and Guideline of Conflict Managements of Primary School Administrators under the Uttaradit Primary Educational Area Office 1. To study 3 factors for conflict causes are: 1) Personal element 2) working interaction 3) Office’s elements. The research was administered into 2 stages. Stage 1: study the causes of conflict of teachers, the samples included 108 teachers under Uttaradit Primary Area Office area office and stage 2: study the conflict management of the School Administrators. The target groups were 7 administrators of Primary School.

The results showed that: 1) Emotional Maturity differences is the highest cause of conflict in personal element factor, 2) lack of understanding of the meaning of the information received for each people is the highest cause of conflict in working interaction factor, and 3) the unfair and unjustified of reward from the organization is the highest cause of conflict in Office’s elements factor.

Education Humanities and Social Science Articles