Relationship of Internet Users’ Information Seeking, Reliability of User-Generated Content Websites, and Buying-Decision Behavior Towards Action Camera Products

  • ณัฏฐนันธ์ สุวรรณพินิศ
  • ฐิติ วิทยสรณะ
Keywords: User-Generated Content, Information Seeking, Information Reliability, Buying-Decision Behavior


This research aimed to investigate the about action cameras and the exposure to information as well as information seeking and reliability on user-generated content websites and the buying-decision behavior of Internet users. This research applied a combination of content analysis and quantitative methodology. Data were obtained through online questionnaires completed by 400 action camera users. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Hypothesis testing was conducted by using Pearson's correlation coefficient.

The results showed that user-generated content presented on websites included information presented by two groups: informants and reviewers, product specifications described through a length of 93-2,146 words, positive, neutral, and negative comments, prices, users’ experience, and images and videos. The samples exposed to information at a moderate level and sought information at a high level. The means displayed reliability on information presented and buying-decision behavior were high.  Their exposure to information positively correlated with information seeking on user-generated content websites, and information seeking positively correlated with reliability on information presented. Finally, reliability on information presented positively correlated with the Internet users’ buying decision behavior.

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