Solo Travelers’ Service Quality Assessment toward the National Museums Tourism in Bangkok Metropolis: Comparison of Foreign Solo Female and Solo Male Travelers

  • ทัศตะวัน ด่วนตระกูลศิลป์
  • วันวิสา ด่วนตระกูลศิลป์
Keywords: Solo travelers, Museum service quality, Thailand museum


Even though the increasing interest in solo travelers on museum visit in Thailand, related issues have not received adequate attention from researchers. In this regard, this study effected to explore the overall museum experience by identifying the nature of visit service quality assessment. The extraction method by a principle elements factor analysis with a varimax rotation was continually conducted. Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was also used to assess the internal consistency reliability for each of factors from this analysis. Moreover, Binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the differences in museum service quality perceptions between foreign solo female and solo male travelers. Model of museum service quality contained three independent variables (facilities, staff services and exhibition experience) in this study. For differentiated strategies, this study further examined the differences between foreign solo female and solo male travelers toward service quality components. Results showed that foreign solo female and solo male travelers have similar service quality to visit museums. Regarding the components of museum service quality, staff services and exhibition experience were more positively related to foreign solo female travelers, while facilities was the most important element to foreign solo male travelers.

Education Humanities and Social Science Articles