Social Skill, Social Support and Loneliness Of The Second Year Students at The Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkhen Campus

  • นพเก้า ฉันทสิริกุล
  • สุปาณี สนธิรัตน
Keywords: Social skill, Social support, Loneliness, Students


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the level of social skill, social support and loneliness of the second year students: 2) to compare the loneliness of the second year students by personal factors: 3) to investigate correlation between social skill and loneliness of second year students: and 4) to investigate correlation between social support and loneliness of second year students. The sample were 246 second year students at the faculty of engineering at Kasetsart University Bangkhen campus, which were selected by stratified random sampling. Data were collected by questionnaires and analyzed by computer package program. The statistical procedures were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test (One-way ANOVA), Least Significant Difference (LSD) and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The statistical significance was set at .05 and .001 level.

The results finding: 1) the levels of social skill were at high, social support were at high and while loneliness was at moderate: 2) the second year students with difference in gender, family’s salary and participation in student's extra activity had difference in loneliness which were statistically significance at .05 and .001 respectively: 3) social skill had negative correlation with loneliness statistically significance at .05 and 4) social support had negative correlation with loneliness statistically significance at .001

Education Humanities and Social Science Articles