Reduce Costs and Operating Activities in the Warehouse Case study of Capital Brand OVS

  • ณัฐปวีณ์ พิเคราะห์แน่
  • ชนะ เยื่ยงกมลสิงห์
Keywords: Work Processes, Warehouses, Operating Costs


The objective is to reduce the cost of renting a full warehouse process, changing to renting a distribution center process to compare the cost of renting a full warehouse with the rental of a distribution center and to compare the cost of renting a full warehouse with the rental of a distribution center. The result of the research is to rent a warehouse in the distribution center. Instead of renting a full warehouse Cause no cost in Operation cost because the operation has been moved to be under the responsibility of each by store. Resulting in the company reducing the cost and operating activities in the warehouse by up to 46.25%

Business Administration and Management Articles