The Program Development for English Teachers on Learning Management by Task Based Learning for Secondary Educational Service Area Office 24

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Chutima Rachpunya


This research aimed to construct and develop the Program Development for English Teachers on Learning Management by Task Based Learning for Secondary Educational Service Area Office 24. The research was divided into 4 phases. First phase was to examine the necessary basic information of Task Based Learning. The second phase was to study the current and desirable condition of Task- Based Learning. The third phase was to construct and revise the Program Development. The fourth phase was to assess appropriateness and possibility of The Program Development for English Teachers on Learning Management by Task Based Learning. Research instruments were documentary analysis record, questionnaire, interview form, assessment form of suitability and possibility. The group of the study were 144 English teachers in Secondary Educational Service Area Office 24. The statistics used in this study were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The research results revealed as follows; 1) The necessary basic information of Task Based Learning consists of 5 components. there were set goals, input language information, define teachers and students’ roles, procedure and evaluation task. The result of the necessary basic information analysis generally being at the highest level. 2) The result of current condition overall was in the low level and the desirable condition in overall was in the highest level. 3) the result of construct and revise the Program Development consists of 5 components there were principles, purpose, process, content and evaluation. 4) as regards an evaluation of The Program Development in term of appropriateness and possibility. It was found that the appropriateness at a high level and possibility is in the highest level.  

Program Development, Task-Based Learning, English Teaching

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