The Use of Language in Television Advertisements of Japanese Cars A case of TOYOTA PRIUS and HONDA FIT

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This study compares the use of language in television advertisements of the two famous car brands and their two models: TOYOTA PRIUS and HONDA FIT. The analysis is on sentence types used for advertisement on television broadcasted in Japan, focusing on whether or not there is completeness of sentence structures, similarities and differences of the language use of the two Japanese car models, texts appeared on the background pictures, voice narrations, and storytelling in conversations. The data are collected from 20 advertisements (10 from each brand). The results reveal that most of the sentence structures presented in the advertisements of the two car models are incomplete.  There are four types of sentences which include informative sentences, persuasive sentences, interrogative sentences, and imperative sentences. In addition, there are uses of catch copies or advertising slogans, and company names or brands to attract customers’ interest and recognition to the products. Moreover, the advertisement of TOYOTA PRIUS mainly uses sentences presenting information through storytelling in conversations, interrogations and indirect imperatives rather than providing direct information, as well as mentioning the company name or brand whereas HONDA FIT usually uses more persuasive sentences and catch copies.

TV commercial, catch copy, Japanese cars

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Research Articles


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